so lets start way back to when band camp started....i know half u wont even attempt to read this long of an entry but whatever lol.
i think it will be easiest if i just list by days..
sunday-i think this was the day that we(the guard)did all that conditioning. well lets see...the normals-wall sits,running,push-ups,crunches,stairs. that wasnt too horrible. then came the crazyness.
this might not sound as stressful as it actaully was but a buncha people were getting bad attitudes with eachother so erica(our instructor) decided to teach us a lesson and we had to hold push-up stance through the recording of our show music. mind u that is about oh 7-8 minutes. plus another minute of waiting for people all to get there. me,angela,lindsay, and some other people never broke the whole way through and at the end we just like started crying. it wasnt bc it hurt horribly bad or anything it was just like so draining. probably one of the hardest things ive ever had to do. we earned permission to not run the next time bc we were the only ones to not break but we never ended up getting our reward. oh well...
that night we did big bro and sisters. nothing too exciting happened. kyle did tell some pretty kick ass stories though lol.
monday-drill work,learning, cant really remember. we probably ran a lot. freshmen games was that night. which didnt turn out for the best. i felt bad for angela bc it wasnt her fault but she was the one in charge. we all love u angela! lol
tuesday-drill, work, learning,probably ran a lot again. by that point we were gettin quite buff heh.
i think this was the day we ran all around outside. the sunset was AWESOME and so was the golf course. that night was movie night. i traveled around random rooms and hung out.
wednesday-more drill and such. people could not catch on for anything. it kinda got frustrating. i had to just keep thinking how it was to be a freshmen though. that night me, lindsay and angela all stayed in the room and colored in a coloring book bc we are that cool. good times.
thursday- worked on the opener for HOURS and freshys still couldnt catch on. we did rifle though. either this day or friday we(rifles) all worked our BUTTS off. at least i know i did. i tried realllly hard. i got "sun poisioning" that day i got burned. we had a bonfire that night and gave out freshmen names. there were some good ones.
friday-learned that we arent doing work for parent performance. kinda sucked. we all thought we werent going to be able to do rifle either after working our butts off on it. then it was the dance!!!! me and lindsay sprinted to the showers. i needed all the time i could get to do my hair lol. wooo dance. it wasnt even really a dance it was mostly just people randomly going crazy but i had fun still. i took a million pictures with everyone. so fyi im in like every picture i post on here lol
saturday-parent performance that took forever. then we got to go home! woo home.
saturday on the way home me and my parents stopped at that one fair thingy bc my uncle was working there. i got a HUGE green frog for free bc he works in one of those stands. i was quite happy. then i got some taco bell.....yummmm.
sunday i went to my friend heathers sweet 16 party. she got a new black 2005 MALIBU! omg i almost went crazy when i saw it. hollyyyy crappp is it nice!
monday i woke up at like 10 and then slept from 12-4:30 then woke up and had to goto guard. i felt so dead. thats the last time that i goto guard after just waking up lol. then when i got home i went bowling with mike,tracy and matt. it was sad that more people didnt come bc i havent seen anyone in like forever but it was still fun. i saw derick ginzel,christina c,bridget d, and lee there. that was a nice little reunion lol. i forgot to say ***I BOWLED A 106!!!!!WOO i think thats one of my highest scores EVER!***
today! i babysat nikos all day then went to guard at 5 and got out at 7! i won both spin offs! woo. 1 was the last man standing doing dropspins and the other one was upside-down flippy do's lol go me. my arms kill though.
and now time for some pictures.
me and lindsay at the bondfire! ahhh.
the cha-cha line that liz started!
me and angela at the dance!
me and lindsay!
sam and sam. ha.
me with tricia. (someone doesnt know how to take a picture though so u cant see her awesome 80's outfit)
me and allie!
sam and sam again! haha. she got queen! aww
a crazy picture that kyle took with my camera!(it scanned horrible sorry, im too lazy to redo it)
me and tina!
me and the awesome sarah!
me and krissyyy!
me and elena!
me and katherine!(again someone doesnt know how to take a pic)
me and christina!
steve,lindsay,kyle,angela and moi. aww everyone looks so cute!
greg, kyle g, andy and steve and kyle e are behind them. hahaha
me and kimma!
me and liz!
hahaha tricia trying to get this girl to break attention during an attention drill...
the sweet kid who won the attention drill!
and the finale is a picture of brittney right b4 she hit her head on the table at freshmen games lol.
HeAtHeRs PaRtAy!
heather,tracy and me at heathers b-day party.
me and tracyyy
heather and her bf mike! they have been together for 18 months now! awww.
heather in her new car!!
heather and tracy!
well thats all the pictures i have! hope u enjoyed...haha!
comment losers!