HAPPY BELATED EASTER, EVERYONE! My Easter was just swell! I spent it with my family at our summer house by the beach. I love that place to freakin smithereens!
Lately all I have been doing is studying my ass off for my biochemistry exam which is on Friday. Today I went to a lesson where my professor went through an old exam. By the end of those two hours my hopes of passing the exam had gone from +1 to -1000. Gotta love that sweet sinking feeling that creeps up on you when you slowly realize how utterly screwed you are!
I feel so stupid! Damn you world.
Speaking of stupid (this happened a while ago but I still find it hilarious): you know those moments where you are fully aware of the outcome of an action, but for the time being all sense of rational thinking decides to escape your mind? My latest feat of such stupidity happened to be licking the end of a plugged in laptop charger cable out of curiosity. Not only was I fully aware of the fact that saliva is both aqueous and rich in various ions, I knew that ionic aqueous solutions are excellent conductors of electricity. So how in the name of The Flying Spaghetti Monster could I possibly reach the conclusion that licking the open end of something plugged into an outlet was a good idea?! I have nothing to defend my stupidity with. Anyhow, I did end up licking the end of my laptop charger. Yes, I got a mega-shock. Yes, it hurt like fuck. If you want a depiction of the sensation, I would be delighted to inform you that it feels like someone stabbing the tip of your tongue with a very thick and very sharp needle.
So now you know not to go around licking the ends of cables. Lesson learned! I bet the electricity had a good laugh though.
Funny thing! Today I was made aware of the undeniable fact that β-D-Fructose without the single hydrogen bonds drawn out looks like a fat kid on rollerblades. I love it.
Uncanny, isn’t it? Kind of ironic as well since a lot of obesity owes its thanks to sugars (fructose=a sugar). The brilliant part of this realization is that there is no way in hell I will ever forget how to draw β-D-Fructose. Thank God for fat kids on roller blades!
I realize that this post was a bit science-y. My nerdyness apologizes.