Jun 08, 2004 15:46
well it's three o'clock on a tuesday afternoon and i'm here babysitting my nine year old cousin andrew, who spent all night last night talkin to everyone on AIM. well it kept him busy and everyone was cool. so yeah. last night i talked to gary on the phone. wow. i miss him so much and we had a much needed conversation. i'm so lucky to have friends like brandon, gary, vanessa and randy. i love them to death. well this summer has been a particularly boring yet exciting summer. well exciting i say because of all the dramam ciculating around a certain someone who drug me into it. but whatever. it's all cool. and also exciting because i have the most fun ever with vanessa. julia, and sabrina. i mean come on, who else is going to come pick you up even though you know you're only going to stay out for like thirty minutes and take you to eat ice cream? lmao. and who else is going to see about thirty minutes of van helsing, prank call little ceasers and get someone fired, come over for mothers day and PIG out on cake and macaroni stuff, pretend to be a mexican cowgirl and a korean princess while smoking sour apple blunts, yell at J.P. and his cousin in korean for prank calling US on a saturday night, drink 18yr. old whiskey with erick and me outside her house, learn me and chris' kumbia moves, tell me how to color my hair, sing JoJo's "Leave/Get out" to the guy who works at the Wendy's drive thru, yell in the Shrek 2 theater "FUCK YOU", walk to TC's and totally miss our movie, listen to the deadbroke CD and here me rap to every song i know, write Sabrina notes on the stickys and put them on her car at Applebee's, pick me up at 9pm to go eat at Shake's and drive around, kiss the same guy i kissed and last but not least who else is gonna ask me to play DDR? woah. the most fun. really. yeah. and brandon's house is a blast. even though we fight over the remote because him and andrew don't want to watch CMT and i make them watch all the country music videos and then break their spoon in the meatloaf which they forgot to defrost completely, and then make them play a certain CD over and over again so they can here this stupid person say one word, and go bowling and leave me there with holden. man. best friends brandon. lol.and then late night, and i mean LATE night conversations with randy and my mom and him being better friends then we are cause he walks her to her car when shes so unbelievably drunk off her ass and lies to her just so i can go somewhere. ha. and then there is gary, who remembers every detail of the very first time we met, the very first time he called me, homecomming dance and the last minute thirty dollar corsage i made him buy, the All American Bowl when we saw Alicia Keys and then walked to Bill Millers, the nights we'd stay up talking, marcus' party, the 8th grade dance and everything else. man i love those people so much its almost crazy. so yes i am so lucky. well im done reminsing. peace g's.
" i'll throw combos at you like i worked out at wendy's."