Jul 09, 2005 18:12
I'm just popping in yet again after a long hiatus. I haven't been able to read my friends' entries in weeks ;__; I'm sorry homeys, I'll catch up. I'll just post briefly with what's going on with me.
Work is going okay but I'm really busy sometimes. I have 14 clients now O___O I just hit 2 months, 1 more month of probation left. I'm told I'm doing well. I'm frazzled sometimes because most of my clients are not yet stable so they call with crises once 2:00 pm hits. -__-;; I'm working on stablizing them though. I haven't had to really hardcore yell at anyone yet, but I let 2 of them have it. I'm not letting anyone walk all over me and that's the way I am from the get-go anyway, so I have a feeling I'll be fired by a few clients, LOL. I already got fired once from my first client but I'm not allowed to close her out yet. Another I can't find so I'm sending out a closure letter.
My sister's going through crap with her husband again but she won't fucking let go. She keeps letting him control her and play games with her that she always loses. Yet she still doesn't want him to leave. I can't take that shit anymore and I'm almost to the point where I'll cut her off until she grows up and decides to take some action for her own survival and benefit, he's dragging her down. I'm just tired of seeing him do this crap to her, then she comes to me to occupy herself until late hours like last year so I can babysit her while she drinks herself into oblivion and rants about things she won't do anything about, and the cycle repeats.
I had a car accident while driving the work car the other day. I have minor whiplash....some neck and back pain. Blegh. I was given some motrin 800 and muscle relaxers. I never took muscle relaxers and they are a bit scary. I took 1 at midnight last night for the first time, and I slept from 12:30 until 4:30 this afternoon....and I was still tired! I feel like a wet noodle. This shit is SCARY. But in general I'm okay, just kinda achy.
I'm trying to catch up on my bills and become stable and independent financially. I'm tryin', I really am, but it's so hard. My credit is literally ASS right now.
I'm hanging in there though. I hope you guys keep me in your thoughts because you are all always in mine <3