Two Fringe Picpsams: FBI, Blue

May 27, 2011 16:52

It wasn't until I was cap hunting that I realized how much of the color blue is used in the "Over Here" episodes at the beginning of season three. There's very little red, despite the fact that Altlivia is from the altverse. There were a few caps where her face would be briefly illumainated with the color red where the rest of the background was blue, which I thought was really artistically done. But for the most part, these episodes are very blue! Perhaps the creators wanted to distinguish the Over Here and Over There episodes a bit more, or perhaps they just wanted to surround Altlivia in the color blue to emphasize her complete immersion (and coming acceptance) of the Blueverse.

Comments are ♥ Hope you enjoyed the FBI jackets, Olivia's braid, and Altliv's cunning, beautiful face! ^^
These were made for fringeverse's Pattern Event
Prompts: FBI, Blue
Part III (fanmixes) and -possibly- a part IV (fanfics) coming soon!

picspam, fringe

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