Mar 21, 2017 11:17
Integration proceeds, although not without a few potholes. Jack has become inexplicably territorial about the bathtub and the cat tree; he can cope with Chloe's existence in the condo as long as she does not lay one tiny little paw on "his" cat tree. The one time she dared, he immediately leapt onto the bottom platform and hissed down at her (and got spoken to very firmly, because that's just rude). Not that the baby can't be rude -- whenever I let her out, there is always an incident or two of her hissing at one of the boys for breathing too close to her. But she was out for about 15 minutes last night with only mild hissing, and the boys were both pretty good, although I had to end the session when Jack was just getting too intense watching her. Still, later in the evening, they met in the bathroom doorway and there was some very polite nose-touching, so there is progress.
(Bud is mildly scared of Chloe; he's not sure why this tiny person is so upset with him, but he's going to keep his distance for a while. He's ridiculous. But there was also polite doorway nose touching between them yesterday morning before Bud got spooked and backed away, so hope remains.)
There's another vet visit on Thursday -- Jack has been wheezing again (including a short fit triggered by hissing at the baby because she looked at his bathtub when he was in it, which is his own fault) and the asthma diagnosis is looking unfortunately probable. And he was doing so well! Chloe, of course, needs her distemper booster and to have her ears checked, although they are looking much better -- I can actually see inside her right ear, instead of it being swollen almost shut! She's also very sneezy, but showing no other URI signs. I'm going to try to haul both of them in the same visit (him in the carrier, her in the sling-pack) and hope there's not blood; the logistics will definitely be interesting. Happily, I have Thursday afternoon and Friday off to kill the last of my rolled-over vacation time, and I have wistful hopes of being able to get integration much further down the road. I would really like for the baby to be out much more; I think she's bored.
I have PT tonight and Thursday night, and a therapy session on Friday, if we can settle on a time. My PT J is awesome and remembered me from way back, so that worked out very well for us, yay! At least something isn't being stupidly hard right now! And I finally watched Arrival, and yeah, Amy Adams was absolutely robbed of that Best Actress nomination.