Today in class we were discussing, briefly, gay marriage. We were discussing how Simon LeVay had found scientific prof (which I'd rather not get into, but if you're interested you can read his research titled The Sexual Brain ) in which he explains SCIENTIFICALLY how it is more of a physical acceptance issue than a choice to be gay. Well, this
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1. We don't look at only what Jesus told us to do or not do; we are to look at the entire Bible as a standard to live our lives by. If someone says, "Well since Jesus didn't address the issue, I'm just gonna form my own opinion," then they're not looking at the Bible as a whole. If only what Jesus said was relevant to our lives, then all we would have today would be the four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.) Also, the Bible was written by men who were led by God and were directed what to write by Him. So to say that one part of the Bible isn't as relevant to my life as another part, is silly. So one can't dismiss what Genesis chap 19 or Paul says about homosexuality without admitting it's not perverse.
2. *Fact* God created Adam from the dust of the ground. *Fact* God CREATED Eve from a rib He took from Adam. And Adam didn't feel "lonely", God was the One Who saw in His infinite wisdom that Adam should have a companion. Also, when you talk about God only creating Eve as a companion, don't forget that God is beyond time and He is all knowing. In His wisdom, don't you think He created Eve with the plan for them to reproduce and have children because he knew from the beginning of time that Man would sin and that everything that has happened up until the present day would actually happen? It's not like God said, "Oops, I didn't plan on them sinning, now what am I gonna do?" You see how silly that sounds? He knew from the beginning how everything in all of time would happen.
3. If one says that homosexuality is a genetic trait (which I believe it is a learned behavior and therefore a choice), then we should see it as a defect, just as we see Downs Syndrome as a defect. Therefore, these people should seek treatment to become normal, or heterosexual. Because if people, when they're born, are genetically attracted to the same sex, something is seriously wrong. People would then begin to question if the world's population would be in jeopardy. The point is, true scientists know that homosexuality is a learned behavior just like child molestation or rape. Regardless of someone's upbringing, they make a conscious choice whether to be straight or gay, plain and simple. Also, not all Black people worship Satan through Voodoo, but ALL homosexuals have sex with the same sex. The act is perverse and wrong, just as worshipping Satan and Voodoo is perverse and wrong. Our society has started to accept the homosexual because of Hollywood and politicians. When you have enough money supporting your cause and the other people don't fight for morals and they pretend the problem doesn't exist, you can get anything to become socially acceptable. Hell, if I wanted to and I had enough money; I could probably get prostitution legalized in every state. It all has to do with money and influence.
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