Vadik's first meal!

Oct 22, 2005 19:20

There are plenty of picturse of him eating (i think 14).

I was happy because he wasn't fussy he just went straight for it and began eating right away, so no live food for him, he should be fine with that though. If not, too bad because I don't want to put him in danger.

I got him a 100watt light bulb for heat and it's a night bulb, it is like 10 times darker then the black light, it is just a very faint red light which is cool because that way it is even darker and more heat... i put in a better thermometer and his hot side might be a tad hotter then ideal but it seems to be fine... I just unplugged the heating pad because the thermometer was reading 99F which is too warm (i put the probe on the ground so as to get the temp that the snake is closest to)... but i have a human heating pad under that which i can adjust if i need ot.. and i bet if i removed it the other heating pad wouldnt heat the place up as much (as right now its somewhat restricted because of the human heating pad)

but yeah... so today was awesome... petmart adult fuzzies (thats what i fed him) are 1.39 a piece... TC Reptiles sell about the same thing for .95 cents and are closer by i think, so im going there next time... we saw some of mine grown up and they get big, although we some some buremese (sp?) pythons that were bigger, and some anacondas that were probably still young and yet huge...

The guy who worked there had gross facial hair though... if he shaved he might have looked neat (he was very punkish with somewhat tight jeans that were rolled up to expose his tall boots and just had some tshirt on and stuff, but a gross full beard going on). So I didnt want to talk to him... but yeah, so now i know where to go for mice, not petco and that harmar place is just gross so im not going back there again.

now im giving the snake time to rest and digest... so in like 8-10 days ill feed him again, but not on a saturday because its harder to write on the calander on saturdays... and you arent supposed to feed them on a set schedule unless you are just farming them... well the story goes that feeding them regularly will get them to grow the fastest, but feeding them somewhat randomly simulates wild life because snakes feed more oppurunisticly (spelled that horribly) and I guess it has been shown that feeding them somewhat randomly increases their lifespan.

so yeah, thats my story, very exciting... oh one funny note, when i was done posting the pictures i was gonna check to see if i could link to the album as i did... well i logged out and went to the main page where my pictures were some of the newest, the other newest? Well they happened to be a girl and her guinea pig... i thought that was funny so i told her... maybe its not.. but i think it was.

Watch, now she complains that it was wrong to psot those pictures or to tell her or something and they get deleted or i get kicked of, that would be funny...

oh well, over and out.
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