I installed Ubuntu earlier today and I'm not terribly happy. Amongst the things that went wrong were:
- The bootloader didn't allow me a multi-boot with any option I tried.
- It doesn't seem to like my modem - and I couldn't log into Win98 to get at the connection details
- The MP3 player tells me it needs a plugin to play MP3s (and you can hardly apt-get on a modem)
- My personal login is an alias for root (and there is no separate root account)- I thought only win 9x was that silly
So. Ubuntu tries to neutralise Operating Systems made by other companies and doesn't work properly without specialised hardware. The software is bloated (if EMACS isn't bloated, I don't know what is) and doesn't like software produced by rivals (MP3) despite claiming to be compatable (or perhaps this is just the equivalent of product registration). And the security measures are weak. Yet Ubuntu appears to be remarkably popular despite it's obvious disadvantages. This leads me to one obvious conclusion.
That's right. Ubuntu is the result of someone reinventing Microsoft Windows for Linux. All it needs now is Clippy.