Cory Monteith ~ Most Fearless Canadian Event - Recap!

Nov 21, 2009 16:28

HI GLEEKS! I went to the Most Fearless Canadian Contest where Cory Monteith and Sir Richard Branson were judges. I am forever grateful to the power of Google Alerts for telling me that Cory would be at this event, because I would not have known otherwise. I didn't have a chance to go to the event in the morning at Dundas Square for the Raise the Roof Campaign (to eradicate homelessness), but I'm happy that at least others had a chance, like jadarz. :D

My recap will not be as amazing as jadarz because she has the coolest camera ever and mine hates it if it's not 100% sunlight and no shadows, so being in a dimly lit club with lights flashing around is not ideal. So my recap will be light on the photos, BUT! I did take some videos during the events and edited them together to make a short mini montage. Also... Cory was forced into a dance-off and it was quite hilarious (when I wasn't dying of second hand embarrassment). ;)

So, since I don't actually live in Toronto, I had to drive up there so I didn't get into the city till just before noon. I rushed over to Starbucks to meet jadarz (Jade) and her friend, Laura, which btw looks like the same Starbucks Cory was photographed at! We made our way over to Circa, the club where the Most Fearless Canadian event was happening. We stood in line for a bit and finally got let in a little after 12. Thankfully we had the sense to position ourselves in a very strategic place at the front left corner of the club, directly beside the side stage, and with a perfect view of the main stage as well.

While we waited for the event to begin, they had people taking pictures with a live scorpion, and gradually the room got filled with people. The media was right in front of us and one guy from Global News started to talk to people in the crowd. He made his way over to the three of us and asked who wants to be interviewed. We all shake our heads "no!" but then he puts the microphone in my face and the next thing I know the camera man is all up in my face too. He asked me what was my biggest fear, and me, not knowing wtf to say said, "being on this" and pointing to the camera. LOL Oh, god, so much fail! He asked me why and I just said I hate public speaking and talking on camera and he was really nice and said I did a good job and then went away. (That night when I got home, my mum had seen me on tv and taped it. I look like such an idiot. UGH! FAILFAILFAIL! /o\ Lol, oh well.)

Finally, the thumping club music stopped and we heard a male voice whisper over the speakers, "you have to be very, very quiet..." IT WAS CORY! and then the host, Nicole Arbour (apparently the world's sexiest comedian? IDEK...) came out and laughed and said, "noooo he's just kidding, you guys need to be loud!" So the crowd cheered and she went onto introduce Sir Richard Branson and then CORY MONTEITH!

The best part was when they were saying that their most fearless moments:
Sir Richard Branson: Talked about trying to cross the Pacific in a hot air balloon and having really bad technical problems and they missed their landing in LA by 3,000km and they thought they were going to die.
Cory: “One time I ate four hot dogs, can you believe it? And afterward..... I had a milkshake!,”

Clearly, Cory's story is way cooler. ;) LMAO!

The first competition was finding scrabble letters to spell out FEARLESS in a tank full of maggots. Nicole asked Cory to spell out Fearless and he spelled it f-e-a-r-l-e-s and forgot the second S. I think he was just kidding, but if he wasn't I'm afraid Finn is rubbing off on him too much! ;) The second round of the maggot contest, Cory spelled it correctly and did his usual "WOOO!" (and looked a little like STEVE HOLT! as he did it. \o/ hahaha)

Now after this I'm not sure who initiated it. I seem to remember Sir Richard Branson asking if he could throw some maggots out at the audience, and Nicole saying yes jokingly and before we had a chance to react, he scooped up a huge handful and threw them at us! Now, since the three of us were in the VERY front we were showered in maggots. UGH, SO GROSS! I had one in my hair, but thankfully they don't stick to you. The second time he threw a handful, I covered my head with my coat. Cory just laughed on the other side of the stage, but didn't actually touch any, haha.

After they eliminated the first 3 people, the remaining 3 contestants had to go over to the second stage, right next to us. The second challenge was to lay in a tank, with your one hand and one foot chained in while snakes were dumped on you. They then gave the contestants a ring with 6 keys on it that had to fit the 2 locks. (I would have been scared shitless, but most people were cool with it.)

At this point I was freaking out because Cory was maybe 5 feet away from me. It it wasn't for the stupid press, I could have had a really clear shot of him. He was such a good sport throughout the entire thing, especially when Nicole was being inappropriate and stroking one of the contestant's chests when Sir Richard Branson (also really crazy/inappropriate) took off the guy's shirt before he went in the snake tank. It was funny though, because he looked so uninterested in the random chest stroking and girls' catcalls and Nicole jokingly said they should have brought some sexy women up here instead for him, and he just sorta shrugged. He preoccupied himself by grabbing a bunch of give-away "Be Fearless" t-shirts and throwing them out to the crowd. He threw one in my direction and I managed to grab it, while a guy behind me aslo grabbed it. I was not about to let go of a t-shirt Cory Monteith threw at me so I looked back at the guy giving him a little death glare and he let it go so fast! LOL! He said, "uh, it's okay, I didn't really want it." so I thanked him and kept the t-shirt.

Cory with the "Be Fearless" t-shirts under his arm.

Lip licking/tongue action never gets old. ;)

Here's a little video of Cory during the contest being his usual dorky/cute self:

image Click to view

Probably the best, non-blurry picture I took from the day. :)

He was laughing and grinning a lot that day. :D The dimples, they kill me.

In the end it was down to two contestants, Andrea and Jesse (the guy who Nicole was molesting). They had to get harnessed up and walk along a tight rope (directly above us!) without falling off and touch the other pillar on the other side of the room the fastest. There was a hilarious part when Cory decided it would be fun to throw more t-shirts into the crowd and he whipped it around and flung it out, and it landed about 3 feet short of the crown. *facepalm*

While they were getting harnessed up, there was a lull, so Nicole thought it would be AWESOME to have a dance off with poor Cory. He looked so uncomfortable when she first bought it up, but laughed and shook his head at his horrible luck. Of course they'd pick his greatest fear and make him embarrass himself in front of a club full of people. He was great though, and I'm so happy I managed to catch it all on my flipcam! :D (Oh the second-hand embarrassment never wears off, poor Cory!)

Cory being forced into the Dance-Off with Nicole Arbour:

image Click to view

In the end, Jesse won and lots of pics were taken with the giant check. Nicole announced that they were going to take a 5-minute break (more like 15-20 min!) and be back to sign autographs, so the security guys moved the velvet rope barricades over to it was closer to the stage. The way it worked out, the three of us were RIGHT at the front of the line up. After waiting for what seemed like an eternity, they finally came back but it was only Cory and Nicole who sat down to sign autographs (Branson had to leave early). The security guy said it could only be 2 people at a time so Jade and Laura went up together first and a few minutes later it was MY TURN! (another woman came with me and had to stand awkwardly off to the side while I made a beeline for Cory.

He smiled at me and I almost fell off the stage. I had my Glee CD (which I bought that morning, lol!) in my hands and I was just staring at him and like OMGOMG! and I said I loved him on Glee and that he was awesome. He broke into the sweetest most genuine smile when he thanked me, with dimples and everything! Then he pointed to my CD and asked, "uhh, do you want me to sign that?", so I snapped out of my swooning and put it down for him, "YES PLEASE!" He took his time signing it and then he had a stack of pics of him (The Finn promo pic) and asked if I'd like one of those signed too, SO OF COURSE I SAID YES! I told him it was cool that he had those to sign and he proceeded on telling me that he brought them all the way from LA in his carry-on and made a funny comment about how it took up more space than he thought it would and mumbled something about not having space for his clothes. LMAO! As he was signing it (he took so long to sign his name, which I thought was so cute, he really wanted it to look good and not sloppy) I was started talking more.

I said, "soooooooooo, you need to get the cast up here and do a Glee Tour! You need to talk to Ryan Murphy! Tell him we deserve it, since Canada has better ratings for Glee than in the US!"

He looked up at me after signing and said, "I KNOW, MAN!" (lmao!)

I continued to tell him to do a Canada-wide tour because there are so many Gleeks up here that love them and we deserve the love. We ended up talking a little more about how Canada was awesome and how he misses home. At this point the lady beside me was NOT impressed with me hogging him, so I told him he was awesome again, and he smiled and thanked me again. He handed me the signed photo and I left the stage to join up with Jade and Laura.

I was ecstatic after meeting him and having him sign my stuff that I almost didn't realize that I never got a picture with him. SInce we were the first 3 people up there, I didn't know we could ask for pics and as more and more people went up, I saw them getting pictures taken and I got kinda sad. We waited around a little and the line was so short by this time so I suggested we line up again and see if we could beg to get a pic taken, since we never got any. So, we went through again and were the last 3 and he kinda looked at us like, waaiiit a minute but didn't say anything. He then signed ANOTHER copy of his Finn picture for each of us, this time Laura and I got it personalized. Cory was hilarious now and much more relaxed so we were joking with him. He asked Laura how to spell her name and she was like, "L-A-U-R-A......??" and he looked at me, smirked and asked, "WHAT!?" because I was laughing, and he said, "I wanna make sure I get it right!"

Jade and Laura got their pics with him and then it was my turn, he raised one eyebrow and asked, "Okay, so what's your name?" So I told him "Kat... with a K!" and he looked up and nodded all thoughtful and signed it and said, "I'm glad I asked, the last thing I want is for you to get home and it's spelled wrong!" :D

So I asked for a picture and he said of course. I went over to his side of the table and had to crouch down. Thus begins the best 10 second of my life. XD He put his arm around me and I turned to put my arm around his back and when I looked over he was looking back and me, and OMG I don't know how I didn't faint right then and there with his face so close to mine.


After I got my picture with him, we thanked him again for being so nice and I told him that I really enjoyed 'Ballads' and his solos were amazing (Jade added that 'Stand By You' was her favourite). I told him that I cried and that he's a really great singer and he smiled at me and said, "aww, really? Thank you!"

We then left and went outside to squee! Haha. I'm still in disbelief that this entire day happened. Cory was so unbelievably sweet and so, so genuine. I even got a vibe from him that he was fairly shy to talk to all of us fans. He's so humble and friendly. If you ever get the chance to meet him DO NOT pass it up. He totally made my day/week/month! I couldn't stop grinning all day. :D

tv: glee, squee!, omg!, video, people: cory monteith, friends, youtube, awesome squared, pic!spam

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