Mmm, waffles!

Oct 09, 2007 11:50

It never seems to be a long enough episode of Heroes. I end up looking at my watch and it's 9:50 and I'm like, WHAAT? But I wanna see more!!

• The Claire/PeterPan green screen flying was SO BAD! I was cringing the entire time between fits of mocking laughter. I know we're supposed to like West because now Claire can have someone to relate to, but he's just not rubbing me the right way. He was such a jackass for continuing to talk about regeneration/lizards/lizardgirl in front of the WHOLE CLASS. WTF is he on??? If he had such a bad time in his previous hometown where HRG kidnapped him and injected him with whatever, then wouldn't he be oh, I dunno sympathetic to her pretending to be normal so that no one will find out?? No, he decides to broadcast it to the entire school just to get her to admit it. He seems like a real douche if you ask me.

• Naked!Peter aka The Ratings Machine is really intriguing HOWEVER it was pretty lame and annoying that last week they were all ZOMG THE BOX WHAT IS IN IT??? FIND OUT NEXT WEEK! and now they're like, "just kidding! hee, hee!" I'm not really enjoying the Irish Chick and Peter as a couple because I feel like it's being forced on me. I think the only way I may feel better about it is if we see some post-coital Peter all shirtless and brooding in bed. ;)

• MOHINDER MOLLY MATT = M^3 (Mcubed) and I love that. They are SO GAY together, it's not even funny. The entire sequence of Matt pulling his gun on Mo and being all worried about him and saying he has to protect Molly and Mo now, and then Mo's all "you don't need to protect me" and Matt's all "umm, yeah I do! if Molly wants to have 2 dads still!" GOLDEN!

• I'm sort of on the fence about the wonder twins. Whenever their scenes came on, I wanted it to say something like, "Once upon a time in Mexico", but yeah... I totally called Maya using her powers to free Alejandro, but it's not really feeling it yet. Next week, Sylar somehow escapes the jungle and makes his way to Mexico (??) and just happens to meet up with the twins and befriends them. Oh, they are so doomed.

• Anyone else totally think the American guy in jail stole Claire's car (because she left it unlocked, wtf!?) and drove to Mexico? Because if it's ANOTHER blue Nissan Rogue, I may have to choke someone. (My new car got stolen! The car that has SPONSORED THE SHOW!)

• I didn't care AT ALL about the Nikki/DL/Micah storyline. I'm actually pretty 'meh' about the lame-ass 'goodbye' scene at DL's grave. It was so, "yeah, DL died, and we kinda forgot about him, so here's a 20 second clip of his son crying on his tombstone so that y'all can have some closure" Pfft. Whatever. Call me when Nikki and Micah actually do something interesting.

• Pretty much only Alias fans will know what I'm talking about, but didn't you guys squee a little when Kensei and the swordsmith's daughter (WHAT IS HER NAME??) were under the sakura trees and he shook the tree to make the petals fall and it was so romantic? And wasn't it JUST like how Syd and Sark should have been in 'Counteragent' when she was a geisha and he was sneaking up behind her to tell her good luck?

SARK: Good luck, Sydney.
SYDNEY: I don't need you to wish me luck, you son of a bitch.
SARK: That's a wonderful attitude.

*clings to Sarkney* Oh, how I miss you two!

• Sark David [Anders] being British and hot and indestructible/immortal is made of win and I practically swoon everytime he calles Hiro 'Carp'. It's not the nicest nickname, but it's so endearing and I love him for it. I really love their storyline (possible the most, right now). I love how persistent Hiro is, and I really liked Kensei's initial reaction to finding out he is indestructible. "So much blood, and no wound?? WTF, did you curse me!?" I laughed so hard when Hiro finds Kensei cutting himself and watching it heal back with incredulous eyes. I'm happy with the progression of Kensei slowly realizing his abilities and understanding that he can do all these things Hiro talks about. I almost got teary-eyed when I thought Hiro was going back to the future (present?) because I love them together. It was cute how Kensei didn't really want him to go either, "what if I go back to my drunken ways? you're like a conscience!" LMAO! Pure love. I'm excited for more of their adventures.

• Here is my theory on the whole HRG death thing: I'm not sure who kills HRG (Sylar for kicks? West in a rage when he finds out he's Claire's father? A random other hero?) but I think he'll come back to life. Remember how Claire was flipping out before she cut off her toe and asking if her blood could save someone else? Well maybe Claire finds her dad who's dead/dying and slices her arm open and her blood goes into his system and brings him back to life? It seems a little far fetched, but with this show, you never know. Either way I'm not going to take the HRG death too seriously till we see more paintings and figure out more of what Claire is capable of.

• NEXT WEEK: No more PASBEARD! And Sylar somehow gets his powers back and eats more brains. And we supposedly find out who the "Nightmare Man" is!!! (but don't hold your breath...)

ETA: I was watching Journeyman last night and after watching so many other tv shows that discuss the issue of time travel (Doctor Who, Heroes, etc...) you'd think they'd address the idea of messing the time/space continuum a little more. I always assumed that if you mess with something in the past (especially when it comes to saving someone who is supposed to die) it can mess up the future really badly. When Dan goes back and saves these people's lives, the world is different because yesterday they were dead and today they are alive, but they never explain how the universe makes up for this imbalance. I doubt I'll be watching this show that much more because it kinda bores me, and these anomalies in the show bug me too much. Just my two cents.

tv talk, tv: alias, sark, ship: sark/syd, tv: heroes

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