Crazy South America

May 29, 2006 09:37

Hey guys.

This is the first time I could update my journal. It's pretty crazy. Everytime I get to an internet cafe it's soooo crowded and then I by the time I get online, I only have enough time to check my email and reply to two or three. I've missed LJ a lot. It's riduculous. I'm usually really busy and stuff so my mind is not on that, but sometimes when I have a break, I end up wishing I could just go online and replying to all the comments and emails. I'm also dying to watch all my shows. I miss Grey's and Veronica Mars and Alias so much. We're in this pretty fancy hotel for the day today, and last night we had Desperate Housewives on and I was freaking out going, " OMG!! it's in english!!! Grey's is on after this!!!!" but it was the Code Black one, which was okay, but I was hoping it was a later one that I hadn't seen. My roommates were like, "you. are. retarded." Lol, but I'm really dying here. I want to see them so badly. Which is weird, because I don't wanna go home, but I also want all my shows and internet. I guess you can't have your cake and eat it too. :P

My mum emailed me yesterday and said that I was accepted into 4th year Geography AND I was granted an internship for the Geography department! I'm sooo excited. They said I'd be able to have an environmental spin on it, (since my major is really environment) and that the placement I was looking at would be fine, as long as I talk to the head lady. That really made my day. I'm slightly worried though because I have to do my thesis as well, which may be kinda stressful, but that's okay. Lol. I'll deal. :)

I have to go because there's a line up for the computer (there's only two) so I should let others use it. I miss you guys SO much! I come back June 5th, and I know I'm going to sleep for like 24 hours, and then get up and watch all my shows the next day. hahaha. I am crazy.


tv: veronica mars, tv: grey's anatomy, travel: ecuador, tv: alias, school

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