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Jan 24, 2011 21:04

A New Pleasantview Part 4: Brandi The Baby Maker

Brandi is always pregnant when you first enter the house. 3 times she's had a girl, the rest of the times it was a boy. I really wanted a girl this time so I made her eat cheesecake with the hope that twins would increase her chances of having a girl...and it worked! She had a boy (Skip Jr) and a girl (Brittany). I would have been REALLY peeved if it was 2 boys! lol.

So Dustin did a really great job of helping out. One baby slept with him and Beau and the other with Brandi. I thought her house was far too small to cope with all those Sims but it turned out to be really fine. After the twins became toddlers Brandi got a job in the culinary track. She had to hire a Nanny and she was a really great one! Always friendly with the kids.

Dustin and Beau each moved to college 3 days before it was time for them to be adults. They were great friends and as Beau shared a room with Skip Jr they were really close too. The brothers always took time off college to visit the family.

Dustin gives his younger brother a lecture about staying away from the criminal life he himself has become accustomed to.

Dustin, Beau and the twins hang out on weekends

The boys often have a meal with their mother and fill her in on all the college gossip

Skip is the only teen (except Dustin) that has a partner. He is currently going steady with this chick whose name has escaped my mind!

After several promotions Brandi could finally afford to hire a maid. This family never seemed to have more then a few hundred dollars! Even after all Brandi's promotions! I guess adding on another bathroom and bedroom took a lot. Brittany needed her own room once she became a child so that cost a fair bit. For a long while she only had a bed and dollhouse in there!

Then trouble strikes. Handsome Don Lothario strolls past the house and Skip decided to chat with him. Next thing you know he is eating dinner in the dining room! When Brandi comes home and sees him in her house she is weak at the knees! She should know better then to fall for this player but she has been lonely in love for so long that anyone could practically sweep her off her feet. He knows Brandi is an easy target so he swoops in....prick!!

The 2 spend quite a lot of time together..the kids love him and soon things get serious. Well as serious as they can get with Don.

Disaster strikes one morning when the maid arrives and finds Don the bathroom! She's furious and gives him a good slap. Don convinces Brandi that he broke up with her ages ago but she still calls him and obsesses over their love loss. She believe his sweet talk and gives her the boot! Time for a new maid I think!

Spending too much time with Don leads to ANOTHER pregnancy! Brandi seems to be overjoyed as a constant want to have 10 kids keeps popping up! I am determined )with the help of the Elixir of Life) to fulfill that want! Don was horrified at this news but didnt break off their relationship. In fact he was very supportive.

He visits frequently throughout her pregnancy which was nice. Ahhh Don, we all knew your sneaky ways would end up biting you in the butt!!

Dustin is home for the birth of his little sister Penny. He falls in love with her and spends the whole day doting over her.

By the time Penny is ready to age up Brandi is pregnant AGAIN! Can you just believe it! Anyway the party was great and everyone showed up (even Don). Her big sister takes her to the cake while Mum is at work.

She turned out quite cute! Needless to say she was really a Daddy's girl. Don made every excuse on earth not to move in with Brandi but he never stopped visiting his daughter.

Don was so in love with his little Penny that he had to ensure Brandi would let him stick around. She was beginning to think he was just using her. His lack of commitment had her paranoid. So he did the only thing he thought would help...he proposed...! That shut her up (but for how long?)

These 2 are made for each other...they both eat like pigs!

Time for Penny's birthday soon came (and the damn maid just decided to show up!)

She is quite attractive! I mean just look at both her parents! They are gorgeous!

Too much excitement sends Brandi into labor right there in the living room.....

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