May 02, 2007 20:50
had a great day..
first school.. geography-consultation was ok..
then my chemistry teacher told me [although she isnt allowed to.. thnx to her =)] that i made at least my 02 points in my examn.. means i passed .. means no additional oral examn.. so for now its only math and geography.. math isnt sure..
then the interview... my dad went with me.. cause it is 2 hours away from halle.. and i asked him to come with me..
we kinda got lost.. but luckily found the right way to the uni in time.. the interview went great.. the 'manager' of the library was really nice.. and i think i did a great job there x]
im pretty proud of myself now..
the place is fantastic.. i hope so much i´ll get the 'job'..
so thats it for the moment.. isnt too much cause im still a lil bit hyper and excited and bouncy..
hope you had a great day as well.. and everything is fine and stuff..
cya later .]
*lotsofhugs* [cause i´m in a cuddle-mood now.. ]