You think you're so perfect, but i've sussed you out

Feb 03, 2005 19:05

Well came home at dinner time today coz i was ill, ive jus found out sumthin by readin thru a few things but im really amused coz sum1 who reckons they can be thought of as a dark horse n all mysterious n all ive just been revealed their every little sly fuckin way, eee sum people will never learn. I dont get people who will 'never learn' i really dont, i mean i know im not perfect at things yano but i must admit when i do something wrong whether i realise in my hed ive done sumin rong or whether sumthin happens i always learn from it, it always makes me either not do it again or make sure i really think about it b4 i do it, thats quite gud coz then i learn not to put my foot in things as much lol. Jus make a new website, im guna try n make it like...i wudnt say 'fake' but im not guna put anythin on to do with self harm or anythin like that because i wana try n keep it suitable kinda thing for the university wen i go in july, or il make it the way i want then change a few things b4 i go, i dont want them knowin who i really am, not that im ashamed or anythin but there wud be too many questions asked and i doubt i wud be able to answer most of them.

Am jus watchin Emmerdale, guna be havin me tea soon but doubt il be able to enjoy it like i can hardly breathe with this cold then me bad throat n all tut ah well. Got loadsa coursework to be doin i really have, i just cant be arsed to do it lol, i really shud tho im already way behind as it is. Im skint an its my sisters bday in 2 days, on the 5th ive fuckin got her NOTHIN i duno wat the hell im guna do, i cant buy presents i do try but i just have no clue what to buy people, i like buyin for girly wirly girls coz i just buy em a load of lovey dovey pink n red fluffy stuff lol its canny, thats all for now x
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