Jan 08, 2008 23:24
finally in florence. dont know what to think. i didnt cry at all when i left for rome and i managed to not cry when i left rome, but the second i hugged marco and francesca goodbye, i lost it as soon as i turned around.
i'm in my dorm alone. 7ish bedrooms, a kitchen that was bigger than my dorm last semester, 3 bathrooms, a study room, a common area and dining room...AND ME. until next tuesday. i guess i should enjoy the quiet since once everyone gets here it'll be crazy but it;s hard to go from a house filled with people i love (who are loud at all times!) to....this. alone, "come un cane" as nonna says. i even cried when i was talking to my dad....clearly something's off.
the other advisors seems nice. i can do this; yes, yes, i can.
so why i can't i listen to songs about rome or from roman singers? hm.
this seemed like such a good idea in my head, but now all i want is to hug marco or kiss my aunt goodnight.