I wont let you leave, not to say its over, come right back to me

Apr 21, 2004 16:13

Jumps cd release was yesterday at Millenium downtown. i thought they were going to play the whole album but alas, they played half. the album is freakin awesome. i still think my favorite is Mexico and Stacey says its b/c im mexican. perhaps. i almost started crying when i was talking to matt, telling him how much i appreciate him appreciating us ( Read more... )

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zengou April 26 2004, 21:12:53 UTC
Karla it's Bryce, I demand you join my minion base. We have nachos and other good things. Join me in my conquest ^_^


neomora April 27 2004, 07:01:44 UTC
yay bryce!!!!!!

nachos? sweet ass...ill bring the mexican sauce


zengou April 27 2004, 07:04:44 UTC
So I take it you'll be a minion?


neomora April 27 2004, 07:06:01 UTC
i just added you...yes ill be a minion...a mexican one so ill be special


zengou April 27 2004, 07:07:19 UTC
Good good. I'll let you know when I have something for you to do


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