Aug 04, 2024 08:31
I should do more stretching than usual and I should just straight out invite her. Err...
Anyway, I keep getting muscle cramps while in the heat of the game and i find unpleasant. For one thing, it's serve as a rude wake up call on how badly I am in shape- health wise. Another thing is that it takes away a huge portion of my oh-so-little outdoor activity time which I'm trying my best to enjoy. Aaaand it looks bad if you're trying to rack up some heart points.
So I got a gym membership to finally get my sorry ass out there to train. Or so I thought, it's been more than a week since it began and I find it less and less appealing to go. Well, I could hit the treadmills for days, but walking/jogging/running can easily be done outside for free. I really have to use the machines and weights to get my money's worth, but I have no idea if I'm doing them any justice. A trainer would be nice but they're expensive af, and I for some reason I'm already tippy toeing that red line already - see previous entry of overspending. Whatever it is, I need to find more motivation to get back. Actually, I do.
Football is a very intensive sport to play especially for someone who is not in shape. And she plays it as well.
Yeap, I need to do more stretches and hit the gym.