Jun 06, 2009 10:40
Alright, so I lied, this is really only going to be an entry about what has been going on in my life for the past year.
Moving into New House - When I got back from a whirlwind internship adventure last summer I moved into a new house. It was awesome. My room was smaller but we had a great group of people and a super awesome landlord. Big bonus - the rent is only $200 per month. I get to feel super trifty while using a bathroom with a window looking through a forest onto the New River. Extra bonus, the armory across the river looks like a field of stars at night.
Going to the Hospital Trip #1 - One day first semester, I had had a headache all day and starting around radiology lab I started feeling really really bad. My vision was really spotty around the edges and I was so nauseous I couldn’t move without feeling like I was going to hurl. For about an hour I just tried to stay as still as I possibly could in the dark classroom. Finally I couldn’t take anymore and had to run to the rest room to yak. On my way I ran into our veterinary neurologist, who I had met the previous week at a business etiquette dinner and new I was epileptic.
She took one look at me, asked me if I was okay. I said really really I wasn’t. She drove me to the health center. At this point I was what we call in the medical field “vomiting profusely”. The student health center decided they didn’t have the facilities to take care of a vomiting epileptic and so they called me an ambulance which took me to the ER. At this point I was almost continuously puking.
I got to the hospital, they did a CAT scan, gave me fluids, gave me anti-nausea medication. I started feeling much better.
Then they told me that there was a small chance that I had a bleeding blood vessel in my brain and if they didn’t do a spinal tap on me that I might die. I wasn’t really sure of this logic but seeing as he said I might die I consented. Later, my neurologist would tell me that my ER doc didn’t know what they were talking about any anyone worth their salt would know that I had just had a very serious migrane.
For the next two days I continued to have terrible migranes, went back to the doctor they gave me an 5H serotonin blocker and I was fine and dandy. I have medication just in case it ever happens again but so far the migrane from hell was neither seen from or heard from again.
Getting Published - I had three publications in the past year. Two were science related from my undergraduate research experience and one was veterinary business related.
Trip to the Hospital #2 - Second semester I woke up early one Sunday morning and debated wether I should go to the 8 am mass or the 10 am mass. I hauled my butt out of bed for the 8 am mass. I got out, got in the car, there was a little bit of snow on the ground but not much - it looked like the roads had been salted. Driving carefully and slower than I usually do, I came around a bend and lost control of the car.
The car swerved left, swerved right, and hit a bank on the side of the road and then like a corkscrew on a rollercoaster flipped completely upsidedown and landed on its top.
I was hanging upsidedown from my seat belt.
I got myself down - couldn’t get any of my doors open and was screaming for help for 5 minutes - nobody came. Finally with enough adrenaline and out of desperation I managed to shove one of the back car doors open and get out. I didn’t have my cell phone on me and I had to walk back to my house. My roommate Anne brought me back to my car, we started calling insurance companies and the police when a cop pulled up. Apparently another car had also flipped over just down the road. The black ice was pretty bad.
We eventually got the car towed, I went to the hospital just in case but was fine. The car, “Little Car”, was a total loss. My GEICO auto insurance was AWESOME. I had the free rental for a month which gave me enough time to find a new car. My friend Tess’s dad was looking to get rid of their 2002 Saturn SL2 with only 80,000 miles and perfectly good condition for only $1000 (*$#^@$*#@*#&@$*#&@$). It was amazing. So now Corey (the name of the Saturn) is mine and is out here in KS with me.
Going to Europe - I also had an AMAZING trip to Euope with Catie which I will probably write more about once I have the chance to go through all the pictures and make sure I don’t leave any of the cool information out.
Anyway, I think I’m going to go try to acquire a bicycle so I can get around this crazy town.
Hope you all are well. If you find yourself road-tripping across the country let me know and we can try and meet up!