Apr 29, 2008 14:14
I’m feeling really weird lately. I’m feeling hopped up on something, like I feel kind of jittery and it’s harder to decompress, harder to sleep. It just started happening in the past couple of days, so I hope it’s just dealing with finals and trying to be ready. It’s weird though, just trying to breathe and calm myself down isn’t really working. On the up side it’s really motivating me to get a lot of studying done.
I don’t really remember how long it’s been since I wrote here. Vet school, as usual, is really crazy. Everyday more and more people are asking themselves why they’re here. Heck even I’ve asked myself that question. We are going to be $120,000 in debt by the time we get out of here. It’s hard as s**t. It stresses us all out and we have no time for real lives. We rarely get to touch real animals and have little time to spend at home with our own.
I don’t know what I would have done if I hadn’t made that promise to myself the first week of school that I was going to refuse to let vet school kill my love of veterinary medicine. I still have thoughts about whether or not I should be doing something else, like having a real job already and making money instead of making negative money. But then we’ll do something really cool in class, or I’ll learn about something I know I could talk to a client about, or I’ll work on VBMA stuff and I’ll be all pumped again.
Nevertheless, I’m SOOOO ready for the relative break that the summer will provide. Even if it’s going to be pretty busy there are vast quantities of time where I will be in different states or doing absolutely nothing. It will be glorious. Then I can see you all and that will be even more glorious. I hope you all are holding up and doing well :)