Re: 4272696E6720697421

Jul 08, 2005 19:08

Ok, so in reading striderhlc's LJ at one point I came across This Post!

So naturally I decided to accept and make a reply.

1. In my more eccentric computer repairs, I have fixed computers with:
       * Standard printer paper and electrical tape.
       * A hammer and average twist ties.   (yes, fixed. Not "broke more".)

2. I hacked the fuck out of the RPI firewall with their written permission. Corrolary: I wrote my own MUD code from scratch (all the way up from Win Sockets).

3. Closet Microwave (shared with striderhlc at Davison), and Closet Server. Enough said there.

4. [d,"an"r,"mbih,nfb,hmy'i,tvxxyih,ydri,n,.nfdn":,,d,)n'i,hmy'ib,o)i,ifodaioq,mp,epdai,lf,d"ie,df,mfi,hdoodfwz,d,)n'i,hmy'ib,eo)i,cmaybh,)nabiho,oad"rez,dl'i,uinoif,nyy,mp,eoioadh,noon"re,mf,etvxxyi,.mbie,df"yvbdfw,o)i,ijoan,)nab,hioz,umo),hmym,nfb,cdo),mo)iah:,,io":,,o)dh,h)mvybflo,ui,omm,)nab:,,dolh,kvho,nf,enppdfi,oanfhpma.nodmfez,uvo,d,bdb,nbb,")nan"oiah,df,o)i,hio,pma,tvf"ovnodmfz,nfb,d,)nb,om,aibv"i,do,nyy,om,ymcia,"nhi,ma,do,cmvyb,ui,fmonuyi,tndf:,,gs]
(the open and close brackets don't count, they're just for your reference. Everything else does. Please don't post spoilers.)

5. I not only program at work, I program at home for fun. The day before starting my current job, I wrote up an app for converting a CSV file into a tabled list of my video game collection.

5.A) BONUS ROUND: As of this posting I have precisely 256 console games from: PS1/PS2, Japanese PS1/PS2, Game Cube, N64, SNES, Genesis, and NES. This does not include my Game Boy / GB Color / GBA collection, nor my PC collection. I also have more RPG books than Programming books, more Programming books than Japanese books (by volume/weight, not by number), and more Japanese books than any other type of book not listed.

If you're interested in the rules, see striderhlc's journal entry for the details.
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