Jun 08, 2005 18:14
As anyone who has been keeping up with my LJ knows, GSTI (Geo-Spatial Technologies Inc.) made me an offer not too long ago. As of today, I've accepted that offer. I'm quite happy with their offer, the company itself, and the work they do. Though I'm sure I'll miss the ridiculous amounts of time that unemployment has to offer, I'm looking forward to working with GSTI.
Location - Springfield, VA.
Title - Computer Scientist (Shock!).
Salary - Very Good (Especially for entry level).
Benefits - Ungodly Awesome. No, really.
Tentative Starting Date - June 27.
Bonus Points - I'm already on a first name basis with the President and VP of the company.
Also worth noting, I remain in excellent standing with Symantec, which really just didn't have any entry level openings. I was told pretty much point blank, "Well, listen. If you find yourself looking for a job again at some point in the future, give me a call. Not HR, me personally." From someone considerably up there in the food chain.
So, does it count as being employed now that I've accepted an offer, but not yet started work?
I'm going to start apartment hunting early next week.
In other random news, the rock climbing group has invited me back for another day of climbing this Saturday!