Sep 03, 2006 15:01
To quote my lovely wife, "We can't have nice things."
If you're reading this you can most likely see her entry on the subject, if you haven't done so yet now is the time. Go ahead, I'll wait for you.
Good? Alright. Anyway, like I was saying, we can't seem to have nice things. Or more accurately, we can't have something nice without something considerably not nice as well. For instance, we got married (yay!) but there was torrential rain (boo). Or, we have an amazing honeymoon that was only possible through the generosity of our friends and family, only to come home to Jenn's mom being diagnosed with cancer. Perhaps this is simply the way of the world, and everybody's experience, I don't know. As is one of the tenants of existentialism, the only perspective you can be sure of is your own.
But I digress. Do you believe in karma? Maybe that should be Karma, with an emphasis on the capital K. Maybe you'd feel more comfortable with calling it Fate, God, or the Matrix. Sometimes it is difficult to remain an skeptic when it comes to the question of a higher power. I do believe that if there is a higher power, he/she/it would have far more important things to do than to cleverly convince me of their existence in a roundabout way. Even so...
I'm beginning to think that it isn't about the supernatural, instead, perhaps this is all about the natural. Maybe this whole balancing trend that I've become aware of is purely the way that life works. Obviously I'm not the first person to ever entertain this possibility, and for all I know it's just another facet of something much larger.
Actually, I'm not really sure what I'm saying anymore so I'll stop here. And no, I'm not high. But have you ever looked at your hands? I mean really looked at your hands? They can touch everything but themselves... woah.
One more thing. Does anyone want to start a philosophy club? I think that would be fairly awesome, any takers?