Snow Man New Goods are now on sales

Sep 01, 2021 12:15

And here it is! The Snow Man LIVE TOUR 2021 Mania goods are now online!

So what do you think about designs ?

Let's give us your opinion about it by answering this survey!

If you haven't got one yet, here is a reminder of the Neokyo's offer

Neokyo bonuses

When you buy on Neokyo, you will benefit from our exclusive offer:

We also remind you that Neokyo is the only service with an officially sanctioned overseas J&A sales partner. As such, sales figures and popular items by country will be shared with Johnny's. This is the perfect opportunity to show the agency that the international fanbase must also be taken into account   !

Other Johnny's Goods

In addition to the Snow Man goodies, you can also buy the King & Prince Re:Sense Tour goods.

But that's not all! You can also purchase other products from Johnny's Shop! To do so, just fill out the purchase request form as indicated in this post!

Our special Johnny's Shop photo offer is still going on ^^

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