The Home-Owners-Association Can Suck on It

Jan 16, 2010 05:10

I hate the idea of HOAs in general. While there's a huge pile of crank-oriented rantage I generally spew on the subject, let's just say that I don't cotton to bein' told what I can do to my yard while bein' charged for the privilege of gettin' nasty missives about the speed people travel down the road.

While I sent them an unofficial notice of my intent to secede - and yes, I HAVE always wanted to secede from something - along with a coda regarding my driving speeds and the unenforceability of arbitrary speed limits on private roads, I think they need a stronger sense of what a bad idea this fight is on their part. So, while I'm printing up letter two, in which I lay out the fact that joining a HOA is completely against my religion, I'm working on the visual aids.

Help me out here. If you have better ideas, I'm open.

Poll Vengeance

Oh, and I'm thinking of signing it "The Position."
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