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Mar 08, 2006 16:32

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1) Are continuouslife and poohbearfpc going steady? hahaha it may seem it at times
2) If poohbearfpc and jenniebennie62 were siamese twins, where would they be joined? at the coach store
3) What would sarakenobi think of poohbearfpc? indecisive
4) Are continuouslife and cute_bunny going out? they definitely are
5) Does cole1836 smoke? I think so....I can't remember
6) Is pinkdownpour popular? sure she is
7) Does silverthurisaz know k_trained? yup though I dunno if Amy remembers her
8) Could you see continuouslife and sarakenobi together? I could if they weren't with someone and happy
9) What is jenniebennie62's shoe size? you know I know a lot about Jennie, but I don't think I know this, gonna go with 7
10) What rank would jumprgirl1 have in a giant robot army? Ass kicker, especially if they're fighting men
11) Is pinkdownpour your best friend? I don't see her as much anymore, whereas for a year I saw her all the time lol
12) Is poohbearfpc a college student? she was, wishes she still was I think, afraid to grow up lol
13) Is cole1836 related to you? nope
14) Does continuouslife have a crush on giddygeek? doubtful
15) Would continuouslife go out with jenniebennie62? nope he's got Azad
16) Do you have a crush on jenniebennie62? I did for a long while..funny we were just talking about this yesterday lol
17) Do shewouldstay and sarakenobi go to the same school? defnitely not
18) What do you agree with lilangel8184 about? most things
19) What exotic animal would cute_bunny like as a pet? oh geez definitely the right question for the right person, but I dunno what she'd want
20) Is continuouslife 1337? no
21) Is drunken_mick dead sexy? sure is
22) Does drunken_mick drink? um yeah, look at her journal name
23) Is giddygeek an emo? no
24) How long would continuouslife dating kerri_berri last? I don't know!?
25) poohbearfpc's hair color? she's a brunette
26) What is ezderell's favorite band/artist? oh man I dunno she likes everything pretty much, I know Joan Osborne is one of them
27) Would you set up continuouslife and sarakenobi? for the last time NO
28) Thoughts on continuouslife? very intelligent and great drinking buddy
29) What mental disorder does kerri_berri remind you of? lol
30) If kerri_berri was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? medical bills
31) Do you have giddygeek's screenname? sure do
32) Is sarakenobi related to continuouslife? no
33) What animal should sarakenobi be combined with? lucy! lol
34) Does shewouldstay go to your school? she did
35) Would you make out with silverthurisaz? I would NEVER...lol
36) Where was jenniebennie62 born? yet another rare thing about Jennie I don't know....southbridge?
37) Does kopinkstars52 travel a lot? I don't know I never see her so she certainly doesn't travel here
38) Is pinkdownpour a high school student? no she's a big girl now in college lol
39) Would continuouslife and cute_bunny look good together? they definitely do
40) Do you think silverthurisaz is hot? she is beautiful..well yes and hot but beautiful sounds better lol
41) When did you last call sarakenobi? never
42) Would continuouslife and shewouldstay make a good couple? NO mike is taken as is JeNee
43) Which president would shewouldstay be likely to idolize? not GW
44) Where would shewouldstay most like to visit? Mass
45) What flavor of jello would silverthurisaz be? strawberry banana because I like it and I like her lol
46) If silverthurisaz commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? girl scouts! hahaha
47) What would you do if you found out shewouldstay has a crush on you? be surprised and flattered
48) Have you ever dated silverthurisaz? nope but not against the idea of it either
49) How long have you known cole1836? a couple years
50) What do you disagree with kerri_berri about? omg we fight about everything, don't you know? lol
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