My pet Varda has recently come to possess a copy of Neggery Notes worth an estimated 2,500 NP.
She wants to put it up for auction, but you see, she doesn't really know how auctions work (bless her) and she thinks that the lowest unique bid should get the item.
For example, if she gets the following bids:
1 NP, 1 NP, 1 NP, 2 NP, 2 NP, 3 NP, 3 NP, 3 NP, 4 NP, 5 NP, 5 NP, 8 NP, 14 NP
Then she will sell the item to the person who bid 4 NP, because it is the lowest bid that is unique.
What will you bid for this beautiful copy of Neggery Notes?
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Deadline is Sunday 8th July, 3pm NST (a week from now).