Aug 30, 2003 00:45
Damn you, DA! Why the hell did you have to sell out and get those damned pop-up ads?! -_- Feh, they all turn out that way in the end...
Well, Kodo's on his last legs, I really doubt he'll survive the weekend. It was more than a shock to me, since yesterday he was running around just fine. But now he can hardly move his back legs, he cannot stand up without immediately collapsing over. *sighs* He's not even a -shell- of his former self, you can feel every single bone in his body... And nothing I'm doing is helping him out. I've tried force-feeding him like I did with Podo, but he's been refusing that too. He just ends up spitting most of it out. I've just given up now, Kodo's not going to pull out this time... And it sickens me to see him like this.
I want to just have him put down, but the only vet that will handle ferrets -and- keep us from being arrested is in Hayward, and -VERY- expensive. *sighs* I hate to think of it, but I'm going to have to let him live out his life here... And wait for it to happen... *sniffles* I hate this so much.
I want to hope that this is not my fault at all, but for some reason I do. Kodo was such a happy, romping little fuzzball. But after Podo disappeared, they said he wouldn't be long to follow before he dies of depression. It's nearly been a year, and he survived the whole time. But now it's his time... Never again will I get a ferret, they're just too expensive for me now. *sighs*
Don't worry, Kodo... You'll be with your sister soon... Then you'll have all the chicken sticks and fluffy stuffed mice you want... I'm going to miss you. ;_;
I've tried so hard to draw, but nothing comes out right these days, especially now... All I can do is hope that Kodo isn't suffering. I promise, Taikaitsu, I'll get your half of the art trade as SOON as 'phinly possible, I swear it. Again, I absolutely -adore- your pic. ^_^ It truly brightened my day, indeed.
I'm also still worried about my Uncle... My mother won't even talk to me about him anymore, that's when I -know- that things are really bad... *sighs* Man, I feel sick...
Useless Fact of the Day; Coca-Cola was originally green.