Traditionally a war would boost the economy because of the mass production that must be done in order to fight. In this case however, we already have a surplus of weapons because they have been working in mass production since after the September 11th tradgety. Also historically, after this great boost in the economy, a slump in the economy will occur; traditionally in the form of a depression or recession. Also the so-called bs about the draft is not bs. It is an extreme possibility with the large-scale war that Bush wants to engage in. We may have a standing army but the number of fronts that have been discussed for potential "conflicts" and the current day weapon technology makes it seem as if that standing army may not be standing long. And please, do not compare this war to wars of the past. The technology that will be used in case of this conflict permits someone to be killed from a relativly far distance. At least with the historical wars, one had to literally see the white's of the enemy's eyes before they could do anything. Also we don't fly in vegan food. We have our own organic farm that is cared for by the students and a cafeteria also run by students. We literally run the school. And the American Revolution did much harm. We have destroyed the environment. We have exploited the rest of the world for their labor and natural resources. We have overthrown governments, supported paramilitary regimes, trained mercernaries, and countless other autrocities. So whatever you say, never say that we have done no harm...
no one is perfect but atleast we dont have to drink tea! This nation is one fo the most free nations in the world. were no one has to wait for anyone and everyone is allowed to do what they want. hell you couldnt protest like you are in alot of other places doont bite the hand that feeds you. if you were to say what you are now in ecuador, they would beat rape and murder you. thats the police love. America is not evil as you think it is. solid proof is the fact that so many people come to make a homes and raise family here. it not perfect but it is better then other places. love the modern warfare has not changed since ww2 we still need bombs, tanks, planes, and troops to take the ground. yu cant depose a leader with bombs alone you still need to take the ground with troops. fyi all our stocks were depleted in the golf war that we had since vietnam the us used it as a chance to get rid of the old bombs. we empteyed our supply of weapons. now we are restocking with beeter ones high prescion weapons.we dont have a surplus. even if you guys run the school and grow youre own organic food. youre still surrond by petroleum based products! the cars out in the parking lot are the #1 consumer of oil in the form of gasoline. justify that!if i were to remove evrything built by oil in your school you would be sitting on the dirt floor of your school. love as much as you bitch about this corporate war your still reap the spoils of war. your comfortable way of life is brouhgt to you by oil!
you still aviod my oil comments, why? Because you know its true? youre every purchase of gasoline and plastic products even the clicking of your keyboard is a silent march supporting war with countries that threaten our oil supply.
You know what I hate?? All those people that say shit like, Well, why should you care if the government is spying on you if you have nothing to hide?? Grr. Stupid people. At any given time that my phone is tapped into, there is a high likelihood of someone hearing my phone sex- for FREE!! I hate the people that say that we shouldn't care if our privacy is violated, if we have nothing to hide.
As for the right to protest- you guys have read my disclaimer confessing that I know nothing, right?? But there are about a billion laws or acts or whatever that completely contradict each other. If you were brought to court for protesting, there is a slight chance that you would be punished.
Plus (now this is really me talking outta my ass), isn't there that... Precedent... thing?? Where if there was a court case similar to yours, the results are supposed to be, like... similar, too?? Or something?? Because I know that there have been about a trillion protests, and I'm sure a nice fraction of them have been anti-war.
Will someone please clarify that precedent thing for me??
Becky, you're my mom and I love you, but for once I have to agree with Alex. ((shudder)) Right now you are protesting. You have not been arrested. You have not been beaten. You have not been killed. It really isn't tolerated in other countries, which I konw that you know and aren't admitting to try to strengthen your arguement. Hell, you know perfectly well that there is a myriad of countries in which you would have been killed the second someone heard your female voice questioning a male.
So, be grateful. America isn't perfect. But it is the land of the hippie schools.
Though I'm sure you could find a few in Canada, too... Hmm...
I love you.
Guys, fix me- I know more than half the shit i said was wrong. -=0)
Remember- whatever I say, I am clueless. So when I say something stupid, either point it out nicely (please?) or ignore it. Don't get too mad at me.
I agree, we have definitely done harm. But, hey, that's what you get for putting men in charge of everything- a bunch of hyped up egos ready to prove their great strength.
Of course, stereotypically we women are too emotional to be in charge of a country or war, because we wouldn't want to see our kids or husbands off. Really, though, we are much more logical than men like Alex. We try not to blow stuff up, like our eyebrows. -=0)
Rollie should be President. Or one of his fellow Socialist Brown-ites.
No, you know who should be President?? One of the hot chicks on the Brown rugby team... Heehee... Lesbians taking over the country... Ahh, the pleasures.
Disclaimer- Erika has no idea what she's talking about. She just feels discluded when mommy pays more attention to her son in law then she does to her daughter.
As for the right to protest- you guys have read my disclaimer confessing that I know nothing, right?? But there are about a billion laws or acts or whatever that completely contradict each other. If you were brought to court for protesting, there is a slight chance that you would be punished.
Plus (now this is really me talking outta my ass), isn't there that... Precedent... thing?? Where if there was a court case similar to yours, the results are supposed to be, like... similar, too?? Or something?? Because I know that there have been about a trillion protests, and I'm sure a nice fraction of them have been anti-war.
Will someone please clarify that precedent thing for me??
Becky, you're my mom and I love you, but for once I have to agree with Alex. ((shudder)) Right now you are protesting. You have not been arrested. You have not been beaten. You have not been killed. It really isn't tolerated in other countries, which I konw that you know and aren't admitting to try to strengthen your arguement. Hell, you know perfectly well that there is a myriad of countries in which you would have been killed the second someone heard your female voice questioning a male.
So, be grateful. America isn't perfect. But it is the land of the hippie schools.
Though I'm sure you could find a few in Canada, too... Hmm...
I love you.
Guys, fix me- I know more than half the shit i said was wrong. -=0)
I agree, we have definitely done harm. But, hey, that's what you get for putting men in charge of everything- a bunch of hyped up egos ready to prove their great strength.
Of course, stereotypically we women are too emotional to be in charge of a country or war, because we wouldn't want to see our kids or husbands off. Really, though, we are much more logical than men like Alex. We try not to blow stuff up, like our eyebrows. -=0)
Rollie should be President. Or one of his fellow Socialist Brown-ites.
No, you know who should be President?? One of the hot chicks on the Brown rugby team... Heehee... Lesbians taking over the country... Ahh, the pleasures.
Disclaimer- Erika has no idea what she's talking about. She just feels discluded when mommy pays more attention to her son in law then she does to her daughter.
I love you both.
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