Oct 17, 2002 22:22
it was refreshing to think about the buisness of the world again, thanks rollie for obey giant propaganda. i have been engaed by technology and have not taken time,other then political debates with becky, to think about such topics as propaganda. it reminds me of our talks on various subjects in miami, with bewildered freinds standing by. i miss having a good talk with you rollie. to tell you the truth i have yet to find a group of students similar to what we had at sas. most of the peolpe here are pilots or engineers. the majority of thoose being very conservative and mentaly limited. not to mention this school is comprised of large percent of rotc students. They lack sufficent will power to think out side the box, to much running with their head in the sand i figure (its an rotc past time around here, were they take new cadets make them plow their heads thru the beach). kinda like a mental sand blasting if you will. i find very little boldness or daring in the engineers here. to much caution and self doubt. i miss you guys. we actually went to b&n for books and serious discusion, the frat boys go to pick up chicks. sigh. hope to see you guys soon