Dear 2007.

Jun 03, 2007 18:56

Now. I'm not one to look back and say, "Jeez. Everything sucks," but 2007, thus far, you have proven to be a sucky year. Here are the sucky things that have been going on (in no particular order) while you have been strolling on day by day:

1: My sister moved out with her boyfriend who my family hates. They argue constantly and she's 6 months pregnant by him, but she is adamant the tension will pass once the baby comes.

2: My uncle died due to severe alcoholism.

3: My grandma had surgery due to a pain in her shoulder. She is bedridden for another month.

4: My grandpa had to go to the hospital due to diabetes and my family is now planning his funeral.

5: My ninety-eight year old (in human years) rottweiler, Ziggy, died March 25. He passed away sleeping.

2007. I beg you. For myself and my family. Please begin to provide us with a better year.


(Taken in large portion from Bjork's Pneumonia)

Get over the sorrow,
The world is going to be made of this.
You can trust in it, so breathe in bravely.
I adored how you simply surrendered to Earth's high.
But now, your lungs; they are mourning crying because they're nigh.
All the still-born love that could have happened.
All the moments we have embraced.
All the moments I should have not locked up!
You understand so clearly, to shut myself up
Is the hugest crime of them all!
And you're just crying after all, to not want them humans around anymore.
Get over the sorrow.

- My apologies for the bottom of my heart for not being a better owner and friend to you. But I did always, always love you. Goodbye, Ziggy.


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