Mar 12, 2011 01:55
I'm relived to hear that all of my friends who are teaching in Japan are alright. Also glad to hear that most celebs are alright as well. Has Taichi been confirmed alright yet?
My primary concern is my homestay family. They live in Chiba which is on the west coast of Japan. It's farther south than the main areas affected, but on the coast none-the-less. I know a big natural gas or chemical plant or something there blew up as a result of everything (like, literally exploded), but I don't know of the extent of the damage there or whether many were injured... I checked the person-finder, but their names are not on it. I tried to contact them, but they have not contacted me back yet :(
I can only hope for the very best. A lot is going on in the world right now. These past few years have been tough on the human race in terms of natural disasters and wars and the like. So many people dying violent deaths. Reminds me again that we are so very small and fragile, human beings. But we're also resilient and have the undying will to live on. Hang on to hope, everyone.