Summer Anime Withdrawal

Jun 12, 2009 23:40

So, K-ON! and Eden of the East will both be ending next week.


All I'll have left is Pandora Hearts...

But this may give me the chance to finally catch up on Hanasakeru Seishonen!

I think I've pretty much already given up on Ristorante Paradiso. Maybe later...

But on the official side of things, I'll still be collecting Baccano, Romeo x Juliet, Sola and the Lucky Star OVA this summer. :D

Good times shall be had by all.

(Jesus, how many times have I posted today? Y'all need to take away my laptop...)

fandom: eden of the east, anime industry, fandom: k-on!!, fandom: pandora hearts, fandom: hanasakeru seishonen

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