I can write pages and pages of stuff on a blog where any schlub can see, but I can't even string two sentences together in a personal statement for graduate schools. What's up with that?
The many deadlines that are coming up have kind of collected themselves into a singular, terrifying mass hanging in the back of my head. It's at that distance where it just provides a constant sense of discomfort and inevitability, but doesn't quite permit enough pressure to cause me to kick into as high of a gear as I'd like. I guess I'm a glutton for self-induced punishment... But at least the margin has widened a little bit? I'm a couple of weeks ahead of the massive doom, instead of a few days... I guess that counts for something.
Somewhere along the way, I got sucked into helping organize some of the grad student events in the department. I guess that's kind of funny... It just adds to the whole Pinocchio-esque notion that while I'm for all intents and purposes acting like a grad student, I'm not actually one, and I need to keep reminding myself that that's the case... So I need to keep grinding to make sure that there's no reason why the prof's can't just sign a sheet of paper to actually make it happen for real. Here's to hoping.
Ayumi Hamasaki's "Marionette" is awesome.