Nov 20, 2003 23:04
Despite all of the terrible ranting reviews, I spent $6.75 on a ticket to see the Matrix: Revolutions. And guess what? I thought it a wonderful conclusion to the story. After listening to all the complaints about the shallow philosophy, been-there-done-that action secquences, and the lack of "anything new" to the movie, I have a few things to say.
1) Philosphy: This movie wasn't made to give you a new outlook on you life. It's just a movie. Sure, some philosophy thrown in helps to make it interesting, but anyone who studies hard over philosophy books becuase they saw the matrix needs a real life. Go outside sometime. Talk to someone of the opposite sex. You want philosophy? Watch Ghandi.
2) Action: I heard many complaints that the action was getting old becuase it had been seen so much. Why blame that on the Wachowski brothers? They invented this kind of action. If you want to complain about something, complain about the countless movie producers who have copied thier style.
3) New stuff: All of the imortant groundwork to the story was given to us in the first movie. Don't think of this movie as simply a sequel. It isn't. It's all one movie. It's just in three different parts.
The most important part of any movie is the story it tells. This was the conclusion of a story. And for the sake of every god and/or goddess that may exist, Stop analyzing every movie piece by piece, frame by frame, line by line, and trying to make something great of it all. They've already done this with the Star Wars Trilogy. It's just a movie. Watch it. Try to enjoy it. And don't forget to finish your popcorn.