I swear I always say I am going to write more in here and always have something to say...I think I'm just lazy and don't get around to it. I read everyone's post everyday, yet I don't comment or post that often.
I think part of it is that I don't get comments back and I lost interest in writing in here orginially...part of it is most of the time I don't have time to sit down and think about what I want to write in here.
So, anyways...I am going to Michigan (MSU) to see
blueice20 tomorrow for the weekend. A seven hour drive will be my longest drive by myself ever. I am really excited about going. It is my first time outside of Rochester (save Syracuse) since, ummm...well, when I went I went to Canada in late fall. That is too long to stay in Rochester I think.
Don't get me wrong, I like it here...but I need a break once and a while. That is especially hard these days, since I don't get any vacation, working as a contract position for now. I have to build up extra hours and put them towards days off if I want to make the extra money I would be missing for a day off.
As far as the job goes...it is going well, no real big complaints, except that I wish they would just hire me so that I could get the benefits of working at RIT. The hire process from contract position to full employee is moving a long, slowly, but continuously.
For those who don't know, I am developing a Access Services portal for NTID. It will replace the current ways of requesting interpreters, and other services for everyone on campus. It is a rather large and interesting project.
Access Services Home <- For those with a RIT Computer User Account... That is the page I will be replacing coming the end of the month.
Umm...what else? I dunno, there's a lot going on, but nothing at all at the same time. I feel depressed lately, not for any good reason either...just stuck in a rut it feels like. I need more friends here in Rochester. Part of the problem, is I don't see my friends form college that often since I have a normal schedule and they can go out late and such still. Another part of the problem is that I don't work with anyone my age. They are all great people, but I don't expect to do non-work related things with them.
I have joined a few groups outside of school and such, but nothing really great has come of them. I am thinking of doing some volunteer work to be able to volunteer for 1 and for another to meet more people who are interested in things that I am.
Oh, btw, if you are still reading at this point, I got a new phone...it is crazy cool, has camcorder, 1.3mp camera, streaming media et al. it even makes phone calls! So, I haven't put many people's phone numbers in here since it takes so long the convential way and I don't have the usb cable yet to hook it up to the computer.
Okay...this has to be one of my longest entries in a year or so, so I think I am going to call it quits and pack. I am leaving between 8 an 9 tomorrow morning so I have to finish getting ready and get a full nights sleep.