Mar 12, 2006 11:51
[The Basics]
Full name: Hunter B-rice Edens.
Date of birth: September 25, 1989.
Gender: Male.
Location: Tennessee.
Zodiac sign: Libra.
Reason for taking survey: 'cause other people have already done it.
[Going Deeper]
If any, name any phobias you have: None.
Do you drink: Yes.
Do you smoke: Yes.
If so, when did you start smoking: My last day in Paris at Jim Morrison's grave.
If any, what drugs have you done: Marijauana... planning on trying some other stuff.
Are you a junk food person or a healthy eater: For the most part, healthy.
Living arrangements: I live... at my house? With my parents?
Name any pets you have: Winston, the Pembroke Welsh Corgi.
Siblings: None.
Do you like your school: Yes, I wouldn't want to be anywhere else.
What is your favourite class: Damn... uh. Either Algebra, History, or Latin...
What is your least favourite: Chemistry. Coach Smith is an idiot. Or if gym counts, Coach Burr is such a jackass.
Are you a gamer: Yes.
If so, what games do you play: Hmm... Counter-Strike: Source, Call of Duty 2, used to play World of Warcraft...
What music genre do you listen to the most: Indie Rock.
Name some bands/artists you like: Of Montreal, The Decemberists, Bright Eyes, Radiohead, A Tribe Called Quest, Mos Def, Sublime, The Doors, The Beatles, The Libertines, Death Cab For Cutie, The Verve, Elliott Smith, Gorillaz, Weezer, Interpol, The Arctic Monkeys, etc.
If you could eliminate the existence of one band/artist, which one would you choose: Tool.
Are you into self categorization? Sure.
Time of the year: Autumn.
Friend: Everyone. Haha.
Sweet food: Hmm...
Country: France.
Colour: Blue or black.
Cartoon: Noooo idea.
TV channel: The History Channel. *pushes up glasses*
Games console: My PC, soon to be PS3.
Ice-cream flavour: Chunky Monkey. :D
[Beliefs & Opinions]
What is your opinion on...
Abortion: 100% Pro-Choice. It is entirely the woman's business, and no one else's. Fuck you, government.
Child Abuse: Fuck parents.
Taxes: Capitalism sucks. Go go communism!
Christmas: Stupid tradition.
Smoking: Do what you want. I like it. *shrug*
People who use their cell phones during movies: Not a big fan of cell phones in the first place, and when people are obnoxious when they use one, I fucking hate them.
Do you believe in...
God: God is dead.
Heaven: No.
Evolution: Yes.
Angels: No.
Karma: Hmm, sort of. A plausible coincidence... heh.
Do you celebrate Christmas: Not really. When I'm on my own I won't.
How do you celebrate your birthday: I don't really do anything.
What is your religion: I'm an atheist.
Have you ever converted from another religion or atheism: I guess? I was a Christian once, but then I was too young to think anything else could exist.
Are you a vegetarian: No.
[Your Love Life]
Are you in a relationship right now: No.
Describe your current, or most recent relationship: Blindfolded.
Are you, or have you ever been in love: Don't know...
Do you believe in soul-mates: Eh.
Do you think long-distance love is possible: Not really.
Could you see yourself being unfaithful: *shrug*
Taller or shorter than you: Don't care.
Ever broken someone's heart: Maybe.
Has someone ever broken yours: Na.
[Your Bad Side]
Do you steal, or have you stolen: I stole a pack of gum when I was 5. Heh heh. Kleptokidz.
If so, was it from a store?: Kroger.
Have you been intimate with someone else's significant other: Uh.
Do you take advantage of other peoples' kindness: No.
Have you lied to your parents: Heh heh... yes.
Do you get jealous easily: I dunno.
Do you have a bad temper: Mmm, sometimes.
Have you ever made someone cry: Yes.
Ever physically hurt someone: Not too bad.
[This or That]
Coca-Cola or Pepsi: Two completely different drinks.
Rock or Rap: Rock, but I've been listening to some rap lately. Not that mainstream shit, but classics like A Tribe Called Quest, Mos Def, etc.
The ability to fly or the ability to be invisible: The ability to punch you in the fucking face.
Hearing or seeing: Hearing. I couldn't live without music.
Lots of acquaintances or a few close friends: A few close friends I guess.
To be a singer or an actor/actress: Ooo, tougie. Imma have to go with singer.
Eternal day or eternal night: Eternal night. The night is so much more... wonderful.
X-Ray vision or psychic abilities: Psychic.
To eat as much as you want or to sleep as much as you want: O_o Sleep, I guess. o_O
World domination or infinite knowledge of all things: World domination.
Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera: Hunter Edens.
Bush or Kerry: Kerry.
[Have You Ever Been Called]
Talented: Yes.
A waste of space: No.
Liar: Yes.
Geek: Yeah.
Nerd: Yeah.
Loser: Maybe.
Intelligent: Yes.
Skinny: Heh, yeah.
Fat: You can't. Haha.
Preppy: Ew, no.
Innovative: Uh huh.
Weirdo: I guessss.
Stupid: Sure.
Retarded: Whatever.
Annoying: Jesus, too many fucking questions on this shit.
Freak: ...
Brat: ...
Interesting: ,,,
Boring: ooo
Slut: sss
Skank: ppp
Shitface: xxx
Ugly: fff
Disgusting: qqq
Shithead: >_>
[Totally Random]
Tell us the first thing you'd do with a million dollars: Two chicks at once... uh no. Stock up on alcohol and drugs.
Why is the sky blue: Because you touch yourself at night.
What's the best thing somebody has ever said about you: Haha, this gay Latino guy who did my hair in Florida said I look like Orlando Bloom. xDDDD
What do you think of South Park: It's occasionally funny... I don't watch it that often.
Do you like candles: No.
Do you think emo people are idiots: As long as they aren't whiny.
Do you think goths are idiots: Once again, as long as they aren't whiny.
Do you think people who take ridiculously long surveys are idiots: No.
Do you believe men and women are truly equal: Yes.
Do you read books very much: Occasionally.
Do people consider you to be a bookworm: Not at all.
Name one thing a person would have to do to deserve death: Be conservative. :P
Have you ever skydived: Oh god, no.
If you could kick anyone's ass, who would it be: My dad.
DO YOU ...
[x] feel loved.
[x] feel lonely.
[x] feel happy.
[] hate yourself.
[x] think you're attractive.
[x] have a dog. (Winston!)
[x] have your own room.
[] listen to Hawaiian Music
[x] listen to underground hip hop
[x] listen to rap.
[x] listen to rock.
[] listen to country.
[x] listen to reggae.
[x] listen to techno.
[] have hobbies
[x] have more than 1 best friend.
[x] get good grades (A's and B's)
[x] play an instrument. (Guitar, sort of. I might pick it back up over summer, or start playing bass or something. My voice is my instrument. :P)
[] have slippers
[x] like the color blue.
[] like the color pink.
[x] like to read.
[x] like to write.
[x] have a cell phone.
[] have a laptop.