Hey guys,
I was watching the Dispatches program "In God's Name" on YouTube earlier, but one of the 'related' videos caught my eye, "LHC Satans Stargate 2008" (link below);
This is basically some guy, going under the name 'gorilla199', going on about how the LHC (Large Hadron Collider), when it's switched on, will open a 'Stargate' that'll allow Satan and all his little minions to return to Earth from some place called 'Niburu' (I guess where Satan now lives, or whatever).
Beside the fact that this guy is a religious fundamentalist, which amuses me anyway, this it a clear example of a guy misinterpreting the facts, or ignoring them completely. Allow me, as something vaguely approximating a scientist, to help clear stuff up.
Firstly, his definition of a 'dimension', isn't right. It just isn't. A dimension is an axis of measurement. Length, width, depth, time, (even angle, in spherical or cylindrical co-ordinates systems), these are dimensions. Not what he said, whatever that was. I couldn't really follow because I was laughing too hard.
Next, his little skit on Black Holes. F.y.i, the 'black' does not denote satanic origins. They are called black holes because nothing comes out of them, i.e. they would appear black. Now his definition of a black hole, is not incorrect, just incomplete. Yes, black holes can, and do, form from the collapse of stars under their own gravity, but this is only one way a black hole can form. They can also form from quantum mechanical effects, such as the collision of particles. As Wikipedia says, "In theory, a black hole can have any size or mass." It's their density that matters, not their mass.
Now, the theory isn't even conclusive on whether these 'micro black holes' will be created at the LHC (supposedly the energy is too low), but they might (according to some models, about 1 per second). Even if they are, they are not going to destroy us. Black holes give off energy by a process called 'Hawking' radiation (yes, the guy in the wheelchair). Now, the more observant amongst you are thinking 'Hang on, isn't that statement and the earlier statement contradictory?' Well, in a word yes, but hang on. Let me explain. The black hole itself doesn't emit the radiation. Particles form from vacuum fluctuations near the 'event horizon' of the black hole. One of which escapes the pull of the black hole, and the other gets absorbed by the black hole. The particle that escaped will have real energy and can be detected. The other particle will, in order to maintain conservation of energy, will have negative energy (trust me). This will cancel out some of the energy in the black hole and, because of that wonderful equation 'E = m*c^2', it'll lose mass. Now cosmic black holes absorb far more energy that they lose and so are stable. Micro black holes, conversely, lose far more than they gain and so will very quickly evaporate into nothing. No problem.
Next on my little list, is the Higgs Boson, the so-called 'God' particle. O.k, that's just a nickname. It is not the physical embodiment of God, or some scientist conspiracy to turn people away from God, or whatever. It's just a nickname that was given to it because it's a requirement of the current physics model (the "Standard Model"). It ties the massless photon, with the massive W and Z bosons, but is the only one not yet observed. It did not create us, evolution did that.
Now, the Moon landings. This should be short. They DID happen. No ifs, no buts, no maybe. We have telescopes that can see where they landed. Also, lasers can bounce off equipment put there. No issue! Some people have issues with the fact the astronauts had to pass through the radiation belts. Something I'll come on to in a second.
Another short one will be the fact the the LHC can somehow direct energy upwards to punch the hole in the Van Allen radiation belt. This will allow Satan and his minions to pass thought the belt safely because the radiation is so intense that anything that tries it'll get fried. Not so! The radiation is intense, but survivable if you don't stay in there too long. For example, Apollo astronauts spent 30 minutes in the belt. More than survivable with the protection they had. All this aside, how can the LHC direct energy upwards? It shoots particles in circles. That's all! Even so, I am intrigued what physical form this 'Stargate' would take, lol.
To finish up, I'll comment on one last point. Now this is the point I find offensive, for several reasons. The first reason is the implication that this is all some masonic conspiracy. It is not a conspiracy. It is scientists (who may or not be masons), doing research. That's what scientists do. The next part is the notion that all scientists are part of this conspiracy (quote "scientists, masons, same thing"). On one of his comments (maybe on this video, maybe another), when asked "why don't you go and get a degree?", his response was "and become a mason, no thinks." There are many scientists out there who are not masons. They are just educated people. Just because you can't understand what they're saying doesn't make them wrong. And the last reason I find this offensive is the most important one. I have a family member who is a mason, and from what I hear, they aren't evil. They're just a group of people who get together who get together. Sure they have rules and rituals, but don't other groups. Groups like, oh I don't know, Christianity? You insult the masons, you insult my family, and I won't stand for it!
Sorry, if this got a bit too heavy for people, but once I get going, I can't stop. I'm going to watch his other videos and see what else he has to say, and have a good, atheist laugh. On that note, watch his video on evolution:
It's hilarious.