New Frenemy

Feb 04, 2007 16:45

My gosh it sure has been a pretty long time since I actual sat down and updated my journal properly. But what can I say? I'm finally starting to patch up minor holes in my social life. I love Live Journal to death. But I must admit it feels so great just to take a break from it and chill with friends. The best part about updating this way is that you have SO much to update about. The ironic thng is I only have time to update about one topic tonight. Heh.

Well my college friends/Melee Crew have become like my family. If I'm not doing College Homework I'm playing Melee with them. I even befriended a former rival I use to dislike a bit. His name is Timothy and we have become quite close over the past few weeks. At first we simply trashed talked each other as we pushed one another to our limits in Smash. I know what allot of you are thinking, "calm down it’s just a damn game!" But these are the kinds of games that either makes friends or enemies, plain and simple. Eventually he and I settled down and Timothy joined my Smash Crew, but more importantly...he is getting along pretty well with my friends and me. Why just last Thursday it must have been about 10 of us playing smash till 8:30pm. I wish I could post a video of our matches. My mate Anthony and I are so deadly with Marth. I’ve got almost all the advanced techniques down, plus my Roy is coming along as well. So yeah, my main in Marth and my secondary player is Roy. ^.^

So anyway, Timothy added me on MSN a week ago and it was the best conversation I had all year. Not to mention the longest I have ever had period. It was from 8:30 at night till 1:30 in the morning! Lol. It was simply cool. Topics ranged from games, dreams, stories, shows, relationships and our futures. We have SO much in common. The only thing different about us is our DNA. lol. Oh and he has a girlfriend, but I have a good feeling my singleness is about to end. Don't ask me how I know, its just one of those feelings. But yeah he and I have been getting to know one another and I can foresee a strong bond between us in the future. But don't you guys love it when you get to know someone you can deeply relate with? He and I have been friends for only two weeks and yet I find him more of a friend then a few people I have known for years. I have a really good feeling about this!

melee, dislike, social life, skill, timothy, live journal, smash crew, new friend, roy, rivals, marth

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