My Christmas Entry…It’s Pretty Deep

Dec 28, 2006 20:16

My poor Live Journal… it must hate me for ignoring it for so long. You see LJ, when you are spending allot of time becoming skilled with Marth, Sheik and Ganondorf in SSBM you just totally forget about certain things. Well I am here on one knee, begging you to forgive this poor soul for what it has done to you. I promise that I shall update like crazy all next month…and the many months that follow. Do we have a deal LJ? :”Yes…?” Awesome, you rock! So now you forgive me. “…What do you mean no?!?” Heh, oh well…you’ll get over it. :P

I just wanted to say “Merry (belated) Christmas” to you all. I am sorry that I didn’t put in the time to say it earlier. I guess its time for me to talk about how my Christmas went, well one word “awesome!” My Aunt D. came over for Christmas dinner, and I simply love having her over. She talks so much trash…it really makes my day. But before we were able to eat dinner my older brother, Niko who flew in from New Jersey for the holidays, had something important to announce. I’m sorry, but I get all nervous when people say those kinds of things. It drives me nuts! And the way he said it we already knew it was bad news. He broke up with his girlfriend, Christine. And dig this…they broke up 4 months ago!! And he didn’t even tell us anything. But I’m sure he had his reasons. I must admit that he remained pretty strong…he sure had me fooled.

Then again, I guess he had four months to catch himself. Still, how can four months of singleness and emotional recovery makeup for a four year long relationship? I really thought she was “the one” for him. Now we are both single and I feel somewhat awkward. I’m sure younger brothers feel a bit happier (in some cases) or secure when their older brother is in a good relationship. *shrugs* Oh well…what do I know about relationships. I’m just a mere noob in that department, but I digress.

So anyway, after our delicious Christmas dinner aunt D. Niko, my father, my mother and I all went into the living room for a conversation. I simply love hearing my aunt talk about the “good old days” and giving the famous “these young teens today” speech. Am I must be a freak…most people would look at me and say “you like when old people rant about their time?” The truth is yes.I’m sure both males and females had more respect for themselves back then, and thus getting into a relationship back then was probably a bit easier then getting into one now. Or maybe it’s just me? Maybe I like hearing the teen rant thing because some of the negative stuff doesn’t really apply to me at all. After she went on and on and on she talked about how I am a good fellow, and I shouldn’t be in a hurry to run into a relationship and all of that. BUT THAT’S JUST IT! I’m 19 years old, and have very little experience.

I feel as though my teen years have been somewhat wasted on the wrong things, sort of. I’m not a kid anymore…I don’t have time to do what most 16 year old guys would do, and that’s have multiple sex buddies to keep then occupied until they are ready to settle down. I’m already in my settling down stage age…and the worst part is…I was never active to even begin with. Cannot help but feel as though I was dealt a crappy hand and set to a disadvantage. Oh well. Let’s look on the brightside…I’m smart and handsome…oh YEAH!

Following the whole family discussion thing my phone rang…it was my friend Rakai. He wanted to know if he, along with two more of our friends, could come over my house to play some Melee. After my parent’s approval, I gave him “the ok” and everything was set. It was 6:30ish at the time and he said he would be there around 8:00. Being in a good jolly mood he did one of his gay jokes by saying “I love you” before hanging up. Normally I would be like yeah, yeah, whatever. But I laughed SO hard…the way he said it totally threw me off, and it was hilarious.

Since my phone was already open I decided I might as well check my text messages, which I haven’t looked at in about a week. lol. Out of the 30 something messages I got two somewhat disturbing messages. Ok, I’ll be honest that the imagery this one painted in my head made me laugh a bit. There were two guys on an ice fishing trip. They arrived at their spot and decided it was time to cut a hole in the ice to get started. Apparently, the ice was too hard to get through. So both men went back to their truck to get a stick of dynamite. They opened the door and the dog they brought with them hopped out and began running around the truck.

So one guy lit the dynamite stick and threw it far away. But their dog, thinking it was stick, ran to fetch it. The two guys were screaming at the dog, trying to make him come back. But when it was making its way back it had the dynamite in its teeth. This is when the story gets sad. So the guy took out a shotgun and began firing at the dog…and he was missing. So the two hop in their truck, drive off and the dog was killed by the blast. Some story huh? I would tell the second but I’ll save it for another entry. Not the best str to read around this time of year.

Oh and as for my friends, they showed up like around 10:00. Being late was one thing but what really pissed me of is that Rakai brought someone else without telling me! I’m sorry but that’s one of the main things that boil my blood. When you say “two” people are coming with you, don’t show up to my house with an extra person without having the decency to call and warn me in advance. Then he tries to make me look like an idiot by switching up the numbers, claiming I misheard him. At least I knew the guy, and he was a great smasher, so it was worth it I guess. So the five of us were playing Smash till 12:00 and then I helped my mother clean up. So yeah…I had a pretty good Christmas!

melee, love, sadness, time, laughter, crazy stories, live journal, relationships, future, lies, surprises, friends, christmas

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