Cold Nights And Heartless Bosses

Dec 15, 2006 16:25

My boss Lisa has some real issues! I am one of her most loyal, hard working, and respectful workers...yet she is now deciding to treat me like dirt. I've worked at the Aquarium for 3 years now, and I have only been OUT sick like four times. Now keep in mind that I have had my sick days during those 3 years, but it wasn't so bad that I needed a day off. Anyway, now that I am out of College for the Christmas holiday she told me that my work days are Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday. I said "cool, fine by me." So on I got very bad cold, because the tablets that I used to negate my allergies apparently weakened my immune system for a few weeks. So I tried my very best to feel better before Wednesday came. All I did was stay home, drink juice, play FF 12, Melee, and slept. Wednesday came and I felt a bit better, but obviously not 100%.

Despite my condition, I STILL went to work, knowing Lisa needed me. It’s amazing how well I can hide how I truly feel, because I don't think she even knew I was as bad as I was. Damn I am good. Nine hours later it was time for me to knock off and since I knew I wouldn't be back till Saturday I decided to reveal to her my true state. The moment I started admitting how sick I felt the symptoms just took right over. My knees began to shake, the room got cold, and my nose started to run. I wasn't expecting pity or anything, but the point was for her to understand that I love my job and that I can be counted on. "Well get better Miguel, and see yah Saturday" Lisa says. I said "goodbye" and I made my home.

It was 7:00 pm and the sun had set about an hour ago. Normally I didn't mind leaving around nightfall, but I wished the sun was still up because I needed all of the heat I could get! I waited for the bus for about half an hour. They usually come every fifteen minutes, so I knew something wasn't right. I decided to check my cell and read the text messages I had ignored for the past few days. And a message I had gotten that day read "the busses are on strike!" So I wasn't all that happy about that. Lucky for me my home was only about half an hour walk. I didn't bother wasting time, it was getting colder and colder, and I needed some heat...FAST! My mother was home, but my father had the car, which meant I had no choice but to walk. Why didn't I listen to my mother when she told me to stay home? *sighs* I walked along the wet roadside, passing the angry waves smashing on the shoreline.

As I walked Bermuda tree frogs sang a sensational symphony song in the night. My body was starting to get use to the cool night breeze, until a car drove through a puddle, soaking me head to toe. I felt as though I was a few steps away from rigor mortis...I moved like a damn zombie for the rest of the walk home. So you know I was happy when I finally made it home safely, but not in the best condition. I took a blazing hot shower, skipped supper, and went straight to bed.

...The phone rang. It was 7:30 in the morning, and I was barely able to move a muscle. As I slowly lifted my head from my pillow it began to throb like crazy, as if my brain had turned into jello. About 6 rings later (you would think the person would have hung up by now) I answered the phone with a groan. It was Lisa. "Miguel, I need you to come in this morning." Now take note that she didn't even say "good morning," and she didn't even ask how I am feeling! "Sorry Lisa...but I really need my rest. I can't come in today. But I'll be there this weekend, as scheduled." "NO NO NO...I need you now, please?" "I'm sorry, Lisa. I would not be any use to you in my current state..." "...You are such a let down." *she hangs up*

When I feel a bit better, can someday remind me to kill that ungreatful little witch?

Much appreciated.

staying home, work, games, lisa, mean bosses, ungreatful, cold nights, loyality, the flu, christmas

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