Your Life...Went On Without Me

Oct 23, 2006 19:15

Hey all...long time no update! Yes Miguel is still alive and well. I've just been making up for lost time with allot of my friends. About a week ago I was totally stressed and I was pushing myself to hard. I stopped returning phone calls, remained silent on MSN, and of course avoiding Live Journal. My so called "college work is all that matters" attitude happened when I saw my grade and I noticed just one C, everything else was A's and B's. But that C I got for math really got me upset, it wasn't good enough. I didn't want to accept it. Aren’t I pathetic? Keep in mind I am not trying to be perfect. You know when you work SO hard on something but when you see your grade is lower then you had thought? I swear I gave it all I had, just for a C...and my teacher just says to try harder. I understand that I have to try harder, but the way she told me made me feel as though my current efforts suck, and that really gets under my skin. So my friends noticed how stress I've been so they decided to take me out for dinner on the weekend. The scary part was that they seemed like total stranger to me for a complete second. Half of my friends had been in new relationships, family members had died, and I’ve been gone for so long I wasn’t even aware of it. Talk about feeling bad! It was as if I was losing my connection with them, but I am so touched that they didn't throw me aside, they showed me that I really mean allot to them.

The days that followed the dinner I was just so into hanging with my friends again, hence why I haven't updated in a while. I cannot tell you how good it feels to laugh so hard again. The trash we talk is just unbelievable, and we just have a great time doing so. In fact, I am even starting to befriend allot of my teachers and we even have good laughs together. Brenda-June and I are trying to patch up our friendship, and even that is going well. The two of us are going to dinner this weekend then to a movie. Of course I am not really interested in being with her in a romantic way again, although I know she is. Let's see...what else?

Well my new lab partner and I are totally digging each other. You know what sucks? I didn't even have time to ask her for her name! I have to stop doing that. So she added me to her MSN and we are going to have a talk at 11:00. Although I find it kind of late for us to get to know each other, I'm usually kind of sleep around that time. But you know what sucks about working with people that like you? They are so easily intimidated. I'm nowhere near the threatening type...I guess it has to do with the power of the mind. Speaking of the power of the mind my biology teacher was telling me about this tribe of people that do not eat at all! I cannot remember what they are called, hopefully I'll have then name in time for my next update. But they start of as vegetarians, and then they just spend the rest of their lives drinking water. So how do they get all of their vitamins and whatnot? From the sun! Just like plants, they have taught themselves to photosynthesize. So they believe that they can survive just fine without food and they do it. And it is all because of the power of the mind. Here's another story. There was this guy in his mid 30's and he had major ankle problem, so he remained wheelchair bound for about a year. So these doctors decided to take him and perform a surgery to fix up his foot. After the surgery, he never had walking problems again. So a year later, the doctors called him in again to reveal the procedure, which made his foot better! Apparently all they did was put him to sleep, make two small incisions under his foot, bandaged it up and that was all. So there was nothing special about the surgery, hell it wasn't even a surgery. But the guy didn't know that, and just look at how he was able to walk as if nothing was wrong. The power of the mind is truly something.

Now let me quickly rant about work. We have a new team of JV's (junior volunteers) that work in my department, and they are so cool. Finally, I have assistants that actual have work ethic. And it’s so good to work with a girl who isn't afraid of our iguana. However, this girl has a HUGE crush on me, but she is too young and immature for me. She's about 15, but like I said, too young. And this isn't any minor crush, she literally hangs onto me. Hell, she tricked me like 3 times for me to keep standing on the ladder to check the higher tanks. I was about to do it again, but then I finally caught on that she was just checking my smexy cute ass. I have to admit that she is very funny when she wants to be. I guess you wouldn't believe me if I told you this all happened on the very first day we met. My psychology teacher was right; love at first sight is real! She follows me so much that I either had to go home to eat lunch, or just hide in the male's bathroom (which is brand new) for about 15 minutes. However, I have to admit I find her very amusing.

So yeah that pretty much raps up everything that has been happening to me. Overall...I have a pretty damn good life. I have endless amounts of support and love from my parents and brother, I have an excellent job, lots of friends, a house on the finest island n the planet, girls that like me, and respect for myself. It is not everyday I actually sit down and realize how good things are going for me. Knowing me, I'll temporary forget all about it in two weeks. Of course I know that there are people who hate me for that. Rupee calls these kinds of people "frenemies." So I know I have allot of them in both Live Journal and in my real life, but I'm not too concerned about it. You have to admit, life without a few minor enemies would be kind of boring, and it just keeps things well balanced. So yeah those who do not like me...I'll keep praying for yah, but still hate me. I'm just too happy to care!

So Miguel is back...and its good to be back!!!!

work, social life, college, grades, quality time, live journal, life, true stories, loyalty, relationships, teachers, happy, friends, stress, feelings

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