Stigma of Allergies

May 14, 2006 21:45

1. My limits - {I'll update about that tomorrow}

2. My allergies --> Allergies must be the most annoying thing on the planet. One day, your face can look so fine, then when your allergies trigger, you transform into a completely different person. People keep telling me that I will grow out of them, but I have had them for my entire life. I wonder if it's my diet. I admit that I eat allot of cheesy foods, and I will just have to cut back on them. For those of you are do not have allergies, you guys are so lucky. Plain and simple, allergies are a curse. The only advantage about having them is that it forces you to watch what eat vs a person who has no allergies and are just fine. Sometimes I would wake up, and my eyes would be swelled up, and for some unknown reason. It makes me feel so weak and helpless sometimes, but life goes on.

3. Love - I'm going to refrain from ranting on about this topic for to long, because I'm sure you guys are tired of hearing me tak about it. I think I discovered something new about myself. This is something I never really admitted to anybody.  I'm sure all of you can recall how I talk about me not being able to get a girlfriends and junk like that. My answer for rejecting a few of them have been mainly because of my education, and that  I do not want feelings for some girl holding me back, at the moment. But...I think I know the real reason. Deep down, I feel as though my allergies would ruin my relationship with a girl, at the moment. They can be so unpredictable, it's so scary. Sure some girls go crazy when they see me, but when my allergies kick in...I prefer not to be seen. Can you imagine if I gone on a date with a girl, and she want to go have some seafood, which I am allergic to, but my stupid allergies would prevent that. I'll be a complete burden, right now. Sure I can many places without my allergies kicking in, but I still have a little bit of ways to go. I just wish there was a cure, maybe if I didn't have any allergies, I would have been had a girlfriend, but I just can not take that risk, not until I get better. I hope I get cured soon. :( 

allergies, looks, burden, limits, hope, seafood, cure, cures, girls

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