My summer!!!!

Apr 28, 2006 16:13

It's been way to long since my last update, those of you who know the wrath of exams and projects know what I've been through, lol. So how is everyone? Ready for the summer holiday, are we? Well, I am happy to say that my summer holiday starts today. I just had my last exam, and I am so relieved. No more studying till 1:00am, or taking down endless notes from teachers who often give lame lectures. Still, there is a downside of getting out of college this early. Most of my college friends are still have exams to take for the next few weeks, and a handful of my high school mates don't get out of school until June. :( So what is little old Miguel going to do until his friends get out of college? Party non stop, party no stop. :P Just kidding, I'm just going to do allot fishing, and work extra hours at the Aquarium. My parents are going away in May, and my older brother is coming down from Buffalo, and my parents are letting us watch the house while they are gone. Is this a good thing? Part of me is ecstatic, the other remains skeptical. Knowing my brother, he will call up some of friends and party all night long at our house. That is if I tell him online before he comes over. That's right; he does not know that our parents are leaving the house in our hands. So if I tell him now, he might plan a party, but if I tell him the moment he returns to Bermuda, he might not have the time to plan one. Lol. So what should I do....tell him, or not tell him? That is the question. :P

Now I will take this time and quickly rant about my last day of college. It wasn't to bad, though a few things bugged me. BJ (Brenda-June) was being her horny self, as usually, and guess who she took it out on? First she took it out on one of my best friends Rakai, who didn't really give a damn. She kept sitting all over him, in his lap and what not, and giving him a hard time. Rakai is a really big guy, so he just picked her up, walked her to a couch, dropped her like a air mail, and went back to his seat, lol. We all laughed, it was a funny sight. Then she silenced my laughter giving me the hugest kiss every. Lol, totally kidding, but you should have seen your face. :P But she did sit in my lap, and kept moving around. I was king of shocked and felt very weird. "Erm, what are you doing BJ?" I merly asked. "I'm trying to get comfortable," says BJ. So this is what they call it now days. BJ isn't that nasty kind of girl, she is just really horny today, and it freaked me out. Rakai wondered if her boyfriend was giving her any, but he and I kind of doubt it, judging from what she was doing to us. I am just glad her boyfriend didn't show up, he is huge! Don't get me wrong, BJ's boyfriend and I are very cool, but I am really close with BJ and it would have been the end of her. Though BJ wasn't reallly cheating on him, he would still get kind of mad seeing his girl mess with us in that kind of way, I don't really blame him, but I digress. Besides, I would stick up for BJ, even though I am not a fighter. Then again, I'm really not in the mood to be injured, then again is anybody?

All in all, it's good to be back. Now that exams are finished, I am going to update allot more all summer. Take care everyone. Peace.

fishing, parties, work, fights, college, sex, vacation, brother, parents, happy, summer, lj, choices, friends

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