Goodbye my friend...

Mar 08, 2006 16:51

A quick heads up before I get this entry on the road, the girl I like wasn't in today. So that means I have to go another day without knowing her real name. Sorry Diana, but I will have it on by Friday though, now to my entry.

This morning I received a call from my one of my neighborhood friends Yana, and she had some shocking news for me. Apparently Khimo, one of my best neighborhood friends has moved out. That part didn't surprise me, but what did surprise me was the fact that he didn't stop by my house to say "goodbye." But I'm not mad or anything, too me I'm in no position to. What's done is done; being pissed won't bring him back. I already knew he was moving from Shelly Hall months ago, but had no clue of the exact day. I got along with his parents so well, you can even say I had to sets of parents really. We would all laughs together, cry, discuss education, you name it, we talked about it. Despite all of that I still can't help but feel a tad bit empty, in a way I feel as though I got slapped hard in the face by reality. In this the reality is, my time going outside and having fun around my neighborhood is over, I'm getting older now. Soon I'll be driving, going away to Uni, and perusing my dream. Deep down I always feared this day, but at the same time excited.

I can honestly say spending time with him was one of the best times of my life. I must have had the most comical childhood ever lol. In total their must be over 40 great moments we spent together, but I'll only mention the top ten, and where they funny. Hey Khimo, do you remember when...

1.) We was walking to Ryan's house and you wasn't looking were you was going and walked into his house blind, and busted your eyebrow open? We gave you the nickname "blind" lol.

2.) You used one of the pool chairs as a springboard and as you jumped you tripped and fell in the pool to hard and ending chipping your tooth? Lol we called you "chip" after that. What's funny is that when we told you part of your tooth was missing you dove back in the pool to look for the other half! LOL.

3.) You were towing me on the back of your pedal bike, loss control and we crashed into one of the neighborhood light poles, and broke it? lol. They called us both "bright-idea" lol.

4.) That mean old lady drove her old car over a speed bump really slowly and her muffler fell off? LOL.

5.) You tried teaching me how to skateboard, and I ended up breaking that ladies flowerpot, and we ran from the scene of the crime? :P

6.) We would have those pointless debates, especially the one about which sounds better, Macaroni and Cheese, or Cheese and Macaroni? lol.

7.) We both went fishing with Ryan near that lake full of tress, and some how Ryan got his fish stuck in a tree like a kite? :S Still don't get how he did that.

8.) When I was doing the electric slide on the pool edge in brand new clothes, and I tripped, fell in the pool in front of the whole neighborhood? lol. What the hell was I thinking anyway?

9.) We both went to see The Ring 2 at the movies, and you was so scared you literally threw your popcorn all over me? Thanks to you I left the theatre smelling like buttered toast.

10.) You drew that wicked picture on the neighborhood road with school chalk and you got written by the neighborhood board for graffiti? LOL!

LOL, Khimo that was some of the funniest and best times of my life man. I know I'll catch you online sometime and you'll tell me where your new house is so we can have some more foolish fun lol. But I feel I must thank you, I mean you also helped me build my character, and are of the reason why I am the way I am. I mean the fun we was the kind you usually see in movies. Not too many people did stupid-ness like we did, we really lived our childhood years to the fullest, and I am so grateful. Thanks for the laughs pal, until me meet again..."blind" :P

soca, khimo, friend, moving, adventures, home, funny, memories, miss

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