Man vs Insects...

Feb 17, 2006 15:37

Do any of you believe in superstition? Normally I wouldn't, but for this incident I will make an exception. You see for the past few days I've noticed ants invading my room, and its really annoying me. This started ever since I sprayed a bunch of ants outside my house a few weeks ago. Just two days ago I had to clear out my closet to exterminate the little pests. I'm not a big fan of using bagon to kill them, well at least in my room. I don't mind using bug spray in any other room in the house, but when it comes to my room I try to make it a last resort, and use a damp napkin to kill them. But this whole little experience has made me wonder; now I know it might seem like a strange question, but are the ants taking revenge? I mean I did kill off pretty big army that day, and now there's this big reunion in my closet. I'm sure everybody has experienced a few ant invasions, but in my case, it seems come inside my house for two reasons, after I kill allot of them outside my house, or weather changes. Maybe it's just a coincidence, but they maybe small, but ants are very clever little buggers. Right now it seems as though the attack has ceased. :P Or maybe their plotting their next move, heh who knows...but if they come back, I'll be ready.

Well yesterday I walked on the shorelines as I made my way to the Bermuda Aquarium (that's were I work) hoping it would be a better day. As I reached I was greeted by my JV's (Junior Volunteers) and then by Roger aka RJ, my new boss. In case you didn't read my entry about it, RJ and I don't really get along to well at the moment. So he tells me that he won't be in today, he has a meeting to go to. So I tried my best to hold back the big smile that was tempted to appear on my face. Of course after good news, there’s bad news. So before he leaves, he tells me that we have a brand new exhibit to our department. I was so excited at first; I mean I was eager to know what new animal was being introduced here. So he tells me that we are having a few tanks full of insects. I said "come again?" Then I was like it can't be too bad, man was I wrong. R.J. tells me that their bringing in cockroaches. So I throw my head back and laugh, and tell him "Heh heh, ok R.J. quit playing, what's really coming here?" He tells me its no lie; good old roaches are being introduced to my area. Don't get me wrong I am not afraid of roaches...I just had enough of insets for one week.

So R.J. leaves and I am stuck looking at a bunch of roaches in a tank. The moment I introduce the JV's to the newest exhibit, they began to get all mad. One girl was like, "I'm not going nowhere near them dirty things." Then another JV name Bryan says "So how can you stand being near yourself?" I had to admit the tone of his voice when he made the comment had me snickering. So before the girl could make a come back, I broke them up, and told them to take this tank in the back room. Man do I regret those words! I went back into the office area so I can massage my throbbing head. About 15 minutes later, I hear these kids screaming at the top of their lungs. So I go run out of the office to see what happened, then the girl JV comes running around the corner knocking me down. I kind of interrupted her apology by running of towards the screams. The roach tank was on the floor, not broken, but the top fell off. I managed to put the top back on, but about 10 out of 40 got away. Bryan store in shock, just before he was about to blame it on Sade (the girl JV) I told him save it, we have to deal with the escaped roaches. I went into the back room, got a can of bagon, and two fly swatters. I tossed Bryan a swatter, and gave Sade the can. We sprayed, and swatted to kill, lol. I didn’t care if the roaches needed to be brought back alive.

Lucky we managed to return a few, and the others killed. After that the three of went back into the office too cool of. Then I asked them, if they closed the tank after you put in the live ones. There was a moment of silence. I was like "You didn't..." All three of us went back to the main room to discover an almost empty tank. We readied our weapons (swatters and bagon can), and I said "Looks like were working over time tonight!" LOL. Did we get them all this time, one can only hope.

roaches jv, house, ants, tired, work, boss, revenge

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