I can draw...who knew?

Feb 01, 2006 16:32

Hey hey, guess who's back, and better then ever...that's right me! If it wasn't for all the support I received from so many of my lj, I doubt I would have even returned today. I would have never guessed that I was that important...I mean I received comments from those that I haven't even spoken to for months, but that's going to change now. Thank you doesn’t even begin to describe my gratitude, but I think my return makes up for it huh lol. I'm feeling just fine, I didn't cry around to much during my absence, I spoke to some close friends on MSN, took walks, wrote poetry, got lots of sleep and that's what brought me back to earth. It feels great to be back, and I missed you all so much. I feel so much stronger, now that I know that I am deeply cared for...but now let's get back to my good old entries :D

During my grieving state, I believe I unlocked a new talent...drawing. When I wasn't talking on MSN, I focused all of my attention on drawing this picture of super sayin Goku. I was supposed to have done it since last year, but kept putting it off. I took this drawing very seriously, and here are my results. I would have never guessed that I had it in me do pull of something like this. I'm sure you have all seen better, but I am pretty damn proud of this peace pf work. Not bad for a sad guy huh lol. I started this drawing on the 27th of January, and finished today.

Don't get me wrong, drawing is fun, but my main hobby will always be writing ;) Oh and swimming, but mainly writing. Ever since I finished this picture, I haven't had the urge to do another one. So was this only a one time thing for me? Perhaps it's only a thing I do when I'm feeling down, or maybe I just need to draw the right picture. Heh, I can see myself drawing people in the nude in Paris :P Yeah right, just kidding people. But isn't the detail pretty good? I had a difficulty shading in his face area, but the rest just took patience. I didn't want to mess it up, so I didn't bother to really color it. Call it lazy, but I call it being careful lol.

drawing, my return, talent, support, proud, friends

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