Jan 06, 2006 17:13
I have no clue why, but there was nothing on TV, and had no choice but to watch the Maury show. Since my mom was using the living room TV, I couldn't play ps2...and didn't feel like playing gamecube, so yeah, my choices to me were limited. Anyway, the topic today was "Phobias.” The fears I witnesses were really unheard of. One lady was afraid of chalk...that's deep lol. I guess it reminded her of Anthrax in stick form...anthrax sticks? I know everybody is afraid of something, but that was very strange. Moving on, the next girl was afraid of popping balloons. I can understand popping hot air balloons, but heh, what ever lady...it's your fear. Let’s see...uhh yes, next was a lady afraid of mustard. Maury brought out a plate of mustard, and she literally broke down in tears, I felt bad for her. She was in the crowd, behind this woman screaming "TAKE HER...NOT ME!!!" Yes it's funny as hell, but she allows such a minor thing interfere with her way of life. The final fear was the unlimited 1...HAIR! No lie, this lady was afraid of hair, and this lady in the crowd was flicking her hair on purpose, and the fear lady cursed of like crazy lol. Lucky for all of these guys, they were cured of there weird fears, and was allowed to move on with there life’s.
I'll admit, as a child...my biggest fear was daddy long leg spiders lol. I have no clue why I allowed such a little thing bother me, but I was a kid, and I suppose that's understandable. Now I don't mind them, there lots of them at my job at the Aquarium, and they don’t bug me, so yeah...I moved on. My current fear well lets save that for another entry shall we lol. In conclusion, we all have fears, some are embarrassing to say, and some are normal...but don't you think fear is a good thing? Just imagine what life would be like if we truly feared nothing, there wouldn't be any risks right? Not to mention the death toil would be sky rocketing. Anyway, sorry for he random entry today, nothing really happened to me today worth talking about, ehh maybe tomorrow.