Well, today it's the 10th and that means we're open now and with more then ten members that have already joined and the such, well that is a good thing. Yep, after this post you can start whenever you want, however you get you all started off the mods have decided to make a small event as a celebration.
So, the event. Right, well let's just say that the 10th of April is the official Genesis day, birth of the city and the such even though your characters have been living here for years and years.
Those in Elysium have your little fancy parties with cucumber sandwhiches and balls and all that crap.
In Terra you have your usual drunkards and fireworks, maybe some flashing lights, you get it.
Abyss...well, more whores, more drugs, more crap. Lovely.
Now, the first activity check is on the 30th of this month, don't forget about that, if you have read the rules then you know that you only need to do two journal entries a month, logs are not required for the check but don't forget they are wonderful to do.
As for the technology and the journals? Journals can be used as anything as already stated, video/written/voice posts and use them as phone, whatever floats your boat. Also everything network-wise is connected, so anything can be hacked unless stated otherwise.
You get the deal. Have fun guyz~
Oh, and don't forget to
advertise and also to do your
friend adding.