007. Antisthenes Corollaries - Published in Neo Genesis Daily.

May 01, 2009 21:33

When I was just a tad less brilliant - not by much, though, talent is hard to deny - I took a class with an example of well preserved ruins from the pre-classic era. I can't for the life of me remember what the class was about, much less why it was the most demanded in the corner of campus I used to dwell in. What I do remember is the law that hung above our heads like a terse warning of the inevitably bloody end of our lives: don't try to change the status quo.

The rationale behind this decree - perhaps even dogma of faith - was a moderately successful attempt to prevent the impressionable idealists from getting themselves ruthlessly killed by doing something remarkably unwise, like trying to start a social revolution. You'd be surprised the amount of gullible children who enter into the halls of journalism already visualizing themselves as some sort of moral compass for the world at large. Most end up writing fiction, too.

But I derail. Maxim of my old professor whose funeral I attended a couple years ago, I revisited my time under his tutelage after the surprising news that Neo Genesis will be soon having a new Chief of the Police Department, and a short interview with the man. It feels like the end of an era, even though I was repeatedly reassured that things will remain the same. Same daily struggle to dance on the right side of the line, and same complicated balance of right, wrong and everything tersely hidden in between.

Same as always, status quo must be protected.

I doubt our new chief attended the same lectures I did - I dearly hope not, since I don't see how writing fiction connects with running a slumbering (slobbering?) monster the size of NGPD - but I think it's one of those universal statements that sooner or later catch up with everyone.

Don't try to change the status quo. After all, it could all be much, much worse. (Though I'm not sure how much is much.) I wish I could retake the class again; with the years gone by, I fear I might be getting more and more comfortable with challenging the norm, even when it's perfectly sensible to respect the irrational. Maybe I should join the Police Department for a few days, refresh my memory. It's a tried and tested theory; why change what works?

Honestly, quo vadis, Neo Genesis?

--- Superbi Squalo writes a weekly column, Antisthenes Corollaries, for Neo Genesis Daily, as well as contributing with editorial work. Commentary on the column and further discussion boards can be found at his own blog.

*superbi squalo, antisthenes corollaries

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